contributions of each PARTNER) noted in Paragraph F are to be reimbursed at actual cost with
<br />prior approval from the PARTNERS.
<br />During the performance of this Agreement, the HOST agrees to the following: No person shall, on the grounds
<br />of race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, marital status, public assistance, criminal record, creed or national
<br />origin, be excluded from full employment rights in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to
<br />discrimination under any program, service, or activity under the provisions of and all applicable federal and state
<br />laws against discrimination including the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
<br />The HOST shall comply with all applicable Federal and State statutes and regulations as well as local
<br />ordinances now in effect or hereafter adopted. Failure to meet the requirements of the above may be cause for
<br />cancellation of this contract effective the date of receipt of the Notice of Cancellation.
<br />All data collected, created, received, maintained, or disseminated, or used for any purpose in the course of the
<br />HOST's performance of the Agreement is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act,
<br />Minnesota 1984, Section 13.01, et seq. or any other applicable state statutes and state rules adopted to
<br />implement the Act, as well as state statutes and federal regulations on data privacy. The HOST agrees to abide
<br />by these statutes, rules and regulations and as they may be amended.
<br />The HOST will:
<br />1. Maintain records that reflect all revenues, cost incurred and services provided in the performance of
<br />the Agreement.
<br />2. Agree that the County, the State Auditor, or legislative authority, or any of their duly authorized
<br />representatives at any time during normal business hours, and as often as they may deem reasonably
<br />necessary, shall have access to the rights to examine audit, excerpt, and transcribe any books,
<br />documents, papers, records, etc., and accounting procedures and practices of the HOST which are
<br />relevant to the contract. The annual audit conducted for the Washington Conservation District that
<br />includes EMWREP activities.
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<br />No party to this Agreement agrees to be responsible for the acts or omissions of another, its agents, officials,
<br />contractors or employees within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes section 471.59, subdivision la. Each
<br />PARTNER and HOST will hold harmless, defend and indemnify all other parties to this Agreement, their
<br />officers, board members, employees and agents for any and all damage, liability, cost or claim (including
<br />reasonable attorneys' fees) to the extent it is the result of its negligent act or of another action or inaction that is
<br />the basis for its liability in law or equity. The PARTNER agrees to provide proof of contractual liability
<br />insurance upon request. This paragraph does not constitute a waiver or otherwise diminish, any statutory or
<br />common law defense, immunity or limit on liability any PARTNER or HOST may enjoy as against any third
<br />party.
<br />2019-2021 Shared Water Resource Education Program Agreement
<br />