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It is agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or should be construed in any manner as creating or <br />establishing the relationship of co-partners between the parties hereto or as constituting the HOST as the agent, <br />representative, or employee of PARTNER organization for any purpose or in any manner whatsoever. The <br />HOST is to be and shall remain an independent contractor with respect to all services performed under this <br />Agreement. <br />The HOST represents that it has, or will secure at its own expense, all personnel required in performing services <br />under this Agreement. Any and all personnel of the HOST or other person, while engaged in the performance of <br />any work or services required by the HOST under this Agreement, shall have no contractual relationship with <br />the PARTNER and shall not be considered employees of the PARTNER. <br />O. MODIFICATIONS <br />Any material alteration or variation shall be reduced to writing as an amendment and signed by the parties. Any <br />alteration, modification, or variation deemed not to be material by written agreement of the HOST and the <br />PARTNER shall not require written approval. Contract extensions will be handled as a material alteration. <br />P. MERGER <br />It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement of the parties is contained here, except as modified during <br />the term of the Agreement by a writing under Paragraph O above concerning a non -material change, and that <br />this contract supersedes oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to this subject matter. All <br />items referred to in this contract are incorporated or attached and deemed to be part of the contract. <br />Q. TERMINATION <br />This Agreement will commence when executed by HOST and all PARTNERS and will continue until <br />terminated. The Agreement will commence with respect to each additional PARTNER on that PARTNER' S <br />execution of a signature page acceding to the terms of the Agreement. This Agreement will terminate <br />immediately upon completion of the activities enumerated herein and the program duration expires. Any party <br />to this Agreement may withdraw participation on an agreement -year basis with 60 days written notice to HOST <br />prior to the annual anniversary date of the Agreement, with the actual termination date falling on the anniversary <br />date. Pro -rated contributions will be returned to the terminated or terminating PARTNER. The HOST will <br />promptly notify all PARTNERS of any PARTNER's termination. Termination by any one PARTNER will not <br />constitute the termination of this Agreement. If HOST determines that PARTNER termination has resulted in <br />inadequate funds to deliver the work products generally described in Exhibit A, the HOST will terminate the <br />Agreement effective the anniversary date unless adequate funds can be procured. Termination by the HOST <br />will constitute termination of this Agreement in whole and pro -rated contributions will be returned to each <br />PARTNER. <br />R. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY <br />All property of the HOST or a PARTNER used, acquired or created in the performance of work under this <br />Agreement, including documents and records of any kind, shall remain the property of the HOST and the <br />PARTNER providing the property. The HOST and PARTNERS shall jointly own and each party has the <br />individual right to use, sell, license, publish, or otherwise disseminate any product developed in whole or in part <br />during the performance of work under this Agreement. Durable goods purchased by the HOST, such as office <br />equipment and computers, shall remain the property of the HOST. <br />2019-2021 Shared Water Resource Education Program Agreement <br />