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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2017 <br />DA October 15, 2018 City Council Meeting <br />D.2 October 17, 2018 Xcel Energy Training Town Grand Opening <br />D.3 October 17, 2018 Lions Park Grand Opening <br />DA October 22, 2018 "Those Were the Days" Historical Commission Event <br />D.5 October 26, 2018 NE Metro Groundwater Management Area Meeting <br />Staff recommends Council approve the above minutes as presented. <br />FA Presentation of Donation to the Yellow Ribbon Network — The Fry Group <br />A free BBQ Cookout and Fundraiser was held in Lions Park on September 29, 2018 sponsored <br />by the Fry Group and exp Realty. The Fry Group will present a check from donations collected <br />at the event to benefit the Yellow Ribbon Network. <br />G.1 Approval of Claims <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br />G.2 Approve Resolution and Letter of Support for Boundary Changes in the Browns <br />Creek Watershed District and the Rice Creek Watershed District <br />At its October 1, 2018, meeting, Council tabled this item at the request of City Administrator <br />Bryan Bear to allow the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) time to properly notify the <br />affected property owners. RCWD had analyzed and identified certain discrepancies in the <br />common boundary between the Brown's Creek Watershed District (BCWD) and the RCWD. <br />The discrepancies arise because of differences between the boundaries as established by State <br />order and the hydrologic boundaries as determined by modern mapping information. RCWD <br />had conducted hydrologic boundary field investigation in January, 2018, and has developed a <br />revised boundary for inclusion in a petition to the Board of Water and Soil Resources. MN <br />Statute requires the petition be approved by the governing body and each watershed district <br />having jurisdiction of the territory proposed to be changed. BCWD has reviewed and agreed <br />with the revised hydrologic and legal boundary changes. The RCWD was requesting the City <br />approve a resolution approving the letter of concurrence for changes to the watershed district <br />boundaries. The RCWD Board of Managers held a public meeting on October 24, 2018, where <br />one resident came forward at the meeting with questions on the overall process and her concerns <br />regarding setback/ zoning requirements. RCWD staff and board responded to her questions and <br />no changes were made to the proposed boundary change area. Staff recommends Council <br />approve the resolution and letter of concurrence for the boundary changes. <br />G.3 Approve Resolution Approving the Washington County All Hazard Mitigation Plan <br />Hazard mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of <br />disasters. It is most effective when implemented under a comprehensive, long-term mitigation <br />plan. Washington County Sheriff's Office Emergency Management staff has completed the <br />most recent update to the Washington County All Hazard Mitigation Plan. The plan update <br />process engaged representatives from cities and townships in hazard mitigation planning to <br />