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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 17, 2018 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br /> <br />fifth year, and then every five years. He talked about the road being a five -ton and how it could <br />be destroyed by their equipment. He requested the Council protect the City’s investment in the <br />roads. Meriel presented a petition to the Council signed by 39 residents in opposition of the <br />solar power plant. She requested a study be done at the applicants expense to determine the <br />amount of escrow that should be collected for decommission. She suggest a lien be put on the <br />property if there was not enough escrow to cover expenses. She also talked about TV, cell <br />phone, and Wi-Fi interruptions and the harmful effect on animals. She also requested a study be <br />done to determine how the plan affected their property values. <br /> <br />James Gregoire, 16720 Henna Avenue North, stated he agreed with the other parties that spoke, <br />and he added that the road along the west property line should extend all the way to the north <br />(instead of stopping in the middle as shown on the plan) to provide for easier eme rgency access. <br />He also talked about the screening being inadequate on the east. <br /> <br />Applicant Chuck Biesner, 601 Carlson Parkway, Minnetonka, agreed with all of staff’s <br />recommendations, and he stated he has heard these comments from the public multiple times. <br />He stated he could shift the garden to the east to provide for another row of trees on the west. <br />He said the height of the panels are 12 feet and will be fixed system. He felt the six foot trees <br />will grow quickly, and said his landscape budget was near $70,000. He said he could extend the <br />driveway to the end of the project with class-five rock. Weidt asked about grass, and Beisner <br />replied that there would be native grass under the panels and mowed a few times a year. Weidt <br />talked about the likeliness that they would need to start up the panels up to make sure they <br />work, and this may be before the landscape is in. Beisner said they also needed to plant when it <br />was the best time of year to plant. He added that the construction company put together the <br />escrow amount, and he knows of no WI-FI interruptions. <br /> <br />Petryk questioned if the panels were different than those used on homes, since they would be in <br />very close proximity and she has never heard of any issues. Beisner stated they were the same <br />panels, and there are also many farms in close proximity of animals with no issues. <br /> <br />Beisner addressed the heat island effect by saying the panels absorb as much heat as possible. <br />He also stated he would work with the construction company on the logistics of the five-ton <br />road. <br /> <br />Weidt asked Rachel about protection should they go bankrupt. Rachel replied there could be a <br />transfer of an IUP, and if it was not operating for 12 months, they would begin <br />decommissioning, and there would be more than enough money for t he removal. <br /> <br />Miron said he would support taller trees, and they should be setback far enough to not impede <br />upon the neighboring property. <br /> <br />Weidt said he thought it excessive to request 15-foot trees due to expense, and an 8-foot tree <br />would grow tall enough in a few years. He agreed that the road needed to go all the way along <br />the project . <br /> <br />Miron talked about inspections and staff involvement. Rachel stated she would be inspecting <br />and would add additional inspections to the permit. <br /> <br />Snyder stated that an IUP, is an interim use, and contains conditions that, if violated, the permit