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2018.09.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2018 CC Minutes
2018.09.17 CC Minutes
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11/27/2018 12:45:48 PM
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11/27/2018 12:45:32 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 17, 2018 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br /> <br />Interim Use Permit (IUP) for a Solar Farm located north of 165th Street and west of <br />Henna Avenue North <br /> <br />Community Development Director Rachel Juba explained that Fast Sun, LLC, was requesting <br />approval of an Interim Use Permit (IUP) for a solar farm to be located north of 165th Street <br />North and west of Henna Avenue North. The property is 30 acres that would be leased to the <br />applicant, and the farm is proposed to be on five acres in the northwest corner of the property. <br />The property is zoned Future Urban Services and guided Low Density in the 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan. There are 13 acres of wetland on the property, and the applicant is seeking <br />approval from the Technical Evaluation Panel for pilings and the access drive off 165th Street. <br />This farm will be able to provide power for 165 homes, and power is proposed to be purchased <br />by Xcel Energy. Rachel explained the farm will be fenced, and she reviewed the landscaping <br />plan. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the req uest at its July 26, 2018, <br />and August 23, 2018, meetings. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the IUP <br />for a solar farm with a vote of 3-2. Rachel reviewed the comments from the public at the <br />hearings and the comments and recommendations made by the Planning Commission. <br />Recommendations related to revisions to the landscape plan, gate on the driveway entrance, <br />review of the IUP every five years, information on decommissioning, design of the panels, <br />health and safety impacts, and information on the stormwater plan. Rachel talked about the <br />revisions that had been made to the plan, performance standards for solar farms, and criteria that <br />needed to be met for approval. She stated that it was staff’s opinion that it met the intent and <br />standards o f the ordinance, and staff recommended approval subject to the conditions in the <br />IUP. <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt noted that this item was not scheduled as a public hearing, but he invited audience <br />members to speak. <br /> <br />Annie Gregoire, 16720 Henna Avenue North, and Amy Jorgenson, 16613 Henna Avenue North, <br />approached the podium. Annie spoke about the character of the neighborhood and the reasons <br />why they built their homes where they did. Amy referred to the criteria regarding compatibility <br />and questioned how an industrial project fit into the neighborhood. She talked about a “heat <br />island” and how it would affect the environment. She stated that studies have proven that <br />chemicals are released during construction and decommission, or in case of a break. Annie said <br />that thing s may seem safe in the beginning but could be harmful. She asked the Council to <br />reconsider this new trend. <br /> <br />Dan Riopel and Meriel McClintock, 7260 165th Street North, talked about the landscaping <br />stating they would like to see 15-foot trees instead of t he proposed six to eight -foot since the <br />panels were 15 feet tall. The y also requested the trees on the west side of the site be 30 feet <br />from property line to allow for growth without encroaching on the neighboring property. It was <br />their opinion that the t rees on the east side would not block or screen. They stated there needed <br />to be a lockbox on the gate entrance for City and emergency access. Dan talked about the <br />driveway through the wetland. He wanted it to at least be gravel, and he cautioned against <br />putting water on the neighboring property. He also commented on maintenance saying it <br />should be done monthly and all landscaping should be completed entirely before going online. <br />It should also be inspected upon completion and inspected for maintenance the first, second, and
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