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2019.01.23 CC Packet - Goal Setting Session
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2019.01.23 CC Packet - Goal Setting Session
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1/23/2019 1:18:33 PM
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LOCAL PROPERTY TAXPAYER PROTECTION <br />Position: <br />Washington County seeks to protect our local taxpayers from any further shifts of state costs to the county <br />property tax (which is a regressive and unpopular form of taxation) and the potential erosion of our ability <br />to deliver high quality, essential services in an efficient manner. We encourage the legislature and the <br />Governor to provide flexibility and full funding for any mandates imposed on local governments. <br />Issue: <br />County governments are tasked by both the state and federal governments to carry out mandated <br />programs on their behalf. Roughly 75 percent of all operating and capital costs in the annual county <br />budget are to pay for mandated services. Counties have identified potential reforms, repeals, or changes <br />that could reduce costs significantly. Federal and state financial assistance is provided but does not cover <br />the full cost of providing the mandated services and in many situations the amount of aid does not even <br />cover the increases in costs from one year to the next to provide those services. The shifting of costs to <br />the county property tax places an unsustainable burden on local property taxpayers and inhibits the <br />county's ability to provide high quality, essential services. <br />In 2019, the county has budgeted to spend more than $200 million on services that are required by state <br />or federal law, rule or regulation. Of the county's total property tax levy, 74 percent goes to pay for these <br />mandated service costs. <br />County Program Aid (CPA) is provided by the state to help fund state mandated services. While the county <br />received a modest increase in 2018, that amount was less than just the increased costs for five mandated <br />programs, including child protection, out of home placement costs, and MnChoices assessments. In 2019, <br />the county will see a reduction in state aid of roughly $77,000, and we anticipate an even larger reduction <br />in 2020 if new state funds are not provided for county program aid in the 2019 legislative session. <br />Washington County strives to provide services in a highly effective and efficient manner. The county has <br />the second lowest operating costs per capita of the seven metropolitan counties and the third lowest levy <br />per capita. The county has the lowest human services administrative costs per capita of all Minnesota <br />counties and one of the lowest county tax rates. The county holds the highest credit rating (AAA) from <br />both major rating agencies. However, inadequate state resources threaten our ability to continue <br />providing the core functions of county government at a reasonable cost to county taxpayers. <br />Washington County continues to implement service delivery changes in order to minimize costs. <br />However, in recent years, the state has eased its own fiscal problems by shifting certain costs and <br />responsibilities to the counties. <br />A 2017 law change now requires counties to pay 15 percent of the cost of state required assessments and <br />reassessment for the elderly and individuals with developmental disabilities. Law changes in 2015 and <br />2016 have dramatically increased county costs related to child protection services and the subsequent <br />placement of children outside of the home. In addition, recent law changes require a greater county share <br />for costs at the Minnesota Security Hospital in St. Peter, at Community Behavioral Health Homes (CBHH), <br />and at the Minnesota Sex Offender Program. <br />9 <br />
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