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The combination of passing on costs, and inadequate increases in county aid to pay for increased costs to <br />provide mandated services, is eroding the few county services that serve the public at large. These factors, <br />when taken together, are significantly impairing our ability to maintain, let alone respond to increasing <br />demands on our core services during a period of increasing population and changing demographics, and <br />the corresponding pressure for citizen and safety net services. <br />The state often passes on costs to the counties in order to balance its own budget. The state currently <br />enjoys a substantial surplus for the 2020-2021 biennia. The cost shares passed onto counties has improved <br />the state's fiscal position but has come at a cost to local property taxpayers. A portion of the state surplus <br />should be dedicated to undoing the recent cost shifts that have increased local property taxes. <br />Counties have identified many mandated services that could be repealed, reformed or funded. For <br />example, the state could eliminate the county share of certain state court costs, reduce the mental health <br />services maintenance of effort, eliminate recently adopted increases in the county cost share for many <br />human service programs, and eliminate costly requirements for publications of county financial <br />information and instead allow for web publication. <br />Support and Opposition: <br />Support will come from other counties and other local governments that seek mandate relief. Opposition <br />may come from those that support mandates. <br />Previous Consideration: <br />The county has advocated this position for many years. <br />No Action: <br />Counties will continue to be responsible for new, unfunded mandates that will likely result in increasing <br />pressure on local property taxpayers. <br />Financial Implications: <br />County levy increases are likelyto be largerthan otherwise necessary if the state and federal governments <br />would fully fund the costs of mandated services. <br />Contact Persons: <br />Molly O'Rourke, Administrator Kevin Corbid, Deputy Administrator <br />Washington County Office of Administration Washington County Office of Administration <br />651-430-6002 651-430-6003 <br />molly.o' <br />10 <br />