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2019.02.04 CC Packet
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2019.02.04 CC Packet
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 22, 2019, Goal Setting Workshop <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Public Works - Staff has been working on policy changes in regard to the pavement management <br />program. Significant funds are being allocated for street reconstruction projects, and this year's <br />project is the roundabout on 130th Street North. The City has discontinued seal coating, which <br />will affect the City's CIP. The gravel road test project on Ingersoll has worked so far and <br />depending how the roads look this spring, the City may want to complete work on similar roads. <br />The short -line railroad project should be finished and the I35E project should be completed this <br />year finishing the corridor to St. Paul. Elmcrest Avenue and Cedar Avenue in Lino Lakes needs <br />paving. The water tower is under construction, and there is a recommendation to incorporate <br />bridge work in the City's CIP. Oral arguments will be had this week at the Court of Appeals on <br />the White Bear Lake lawsuit, and there will be a verdict in 90 days that could affect what the <br />City does regarding water conservation. Stormwater reuse projects will mainly be on the private <br />development side, and grants are pending for the Waters Edge Phase 2 project. The City is still <br />looking for funding for the CSAH 8 water reuse project. Public Works Director Scott Anderson <br />is meeting with architectural firms on expansion to the Public Works facility. <br />Fire Department — The Department will be conducting training on the new aerial truck. Staffing <br />is a continued discussion, specifically for daytime responders. The Department is implementing <br />the automatic response with other communities, and there has already been one fire requiring <br />automatic mutual aid that had good results. <br />Miscellaneous items - Public school needs are being discussed, and the school superintendent has <br />been invited to provide Council an update. Upgrades in the Council Chambers and the Oneka <br />room need to be considered. Staff had spent a lot of time on improving permit issuances and is <br />regrouping to determine the best way to move forward. The Beautification Subcommittee has <br />been discussing the monument sign at the north end of the City, and the Lions Club had some <br />feedback. A recommendation to the Council is forthcoming. Many individuals have been <br />applying for commissions, and there are no vacancies. Bear talked about the desire to keep them <br />connected somehow. <br />Klein talked about continuing efforts on water conservation and hopefully get more funding. <br />Review of the ordinances and expansion of the maintenance building to accommodate the police <br />department were of importance. <br />Miron talked about the five-year maintenance plan on Judicial Ditch 2 and the City's anticipated <br />involvement with the planned maintenance of Judicial Ditch 3. It was noted that drainage could <br />be one of the City's ongoing priorities. <br />Petryk talked about the compost site expansion for brush and other debris. She asked about the <br />sealcoating lawsuit other cities are involved in. Bryan responded that the City has not had to <br />deal with any hazardous waste from the City's ponds since they are newer, and hopefully the <br />City will not be in the same position. <br />Haas talked about the need to create a strategy for independence and self-reliance for our water <br />needs using all our stormwater as a resource; the City needs to use stormwater wisely instead of <br />groundwater. The lawsuit may reinvigorate discussions on the regional water plan, and the City <br />needs to stay in communication with the St. Paul Regional Water Authority. He talked about <br />
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