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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 4,2019 <br /> Page 6 of 8 <br /> Approval of City Council Focus Goals and On2oin2 Priorities for 2018 <br /> The Council held a goal setting workshop on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, for the purpose of <br /> setting goals and priorities for 2019. City Administrator Bryan Bear had compiled items <br /> discussed during the workshop and reviewed them with the Council. Bryan explained these <br /> goals serve as guide to help staff to prioritize work during the coming year. He reviewed <br /> priorities related to conservation, economic development, community development, <br /> infrastructure, parks, public safety, and administration. <br /> Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the 2019 City Council Goals and ongoing <br /> priorities. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Update on Hopkins Schoolhouse <br /> At its July 2, 2018, meeting, Council approved a committee to explore options for the future of <br /> the Hopkins Schoolhouse. Historic Preservation Consultant Olivia Schiffman reported on the <br /> progress of the committee and their recommendation. The seven-member committee had met <br /> several times and discussed all options for the schoolhouse and obstacles. It was concluded by <br /> the committee that there were several benefits to a public private partnerships, and a big benefit <br /> would be if the City would give financial support. Olivia shared a marketing flyer for the lease <br /> of the Hopkins Schoolhouse for a public/private partnership and reviewed the development <br /> criteria stating the committee was recommending the Council approve it and move forward with <br /> publishing the marketing flyer. <br /> Miron, who served on the committee, talked about the agreement of the group to form a public <br /> private partnership, and he felt there needed to be discussions on where the City was financially <br /> in supporting it. <br /> Klein recognized that a fair amount of work needed to be done, which may get expensive, and <br /> suggested the County may be able to help reduce the cost. <br /> Haas questioned how a business would be taxed if it operated out of the schoolhouse. City <br /> Administrator Bear replied that it would be taxed as used, so it would be commercial. <br /> Petryk asked if the lease amount would be fairly inexpensive, and Schiffman replied that it <br /> would be discussed when reviewing proposals. <br /> Haas guessed it would take well over $100,000 to get the property in shape for someone to use, <br /> and said he would be very hesitant to do that without knowing the benefit to the City. <br /> Weidt acknowledged there were many unknown variables which made it hard to determine <br /> support of the project, but he would like to see what proposals come forward. <br />