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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 4, 2019 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />Approve SUP Review for Bald Eagle Sportsman Association - 6557 125" Street North <br />The Bald Eagle Sportsmen's Association (BESA) has a SUP to operate a gun club on property <br />located at 6557 125th Street. Staff visited the gun club on December 17, 2018, to review the SUP <br />and found that the property was generally maintained. The Planning Commission considered the <br />request at its meeting on January 10, 2019, and recommended approval of the review of the SUP. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the SUP Review for the Bald Eagle Sportsman <br />Association. <br />Approve Advertisement for Public Works Summer Seasonal Workers <br />In past years, the City hired seasonal Public Works positions to help maintain the City's park <br />system and building grounds as well as assist in road patching crews and other work as needed. <br />These positions were approved in the 2019 General Fund Budget. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the advertisement of Seasonal Public Works positions. <br />Approve Adoption of New Water Resource Management Plan <br />Approve Ordinance Adoption Rice Creek Watershed District Rules <br />Approve New MOU with Rice Creek Watershed District <br />The City's Water Resource Management Plan (WRMP) is used as a guide for the City on <br />administration and implementation of all stormwater management activities within the City. The <br />plan was approved by the City Council in 2015, and was formally approved by the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District (RCWD) on July 25, 2018. The plan states that the City will continue to be <br />the Local Government Unit (LGU) that is responsible for reviewing and approving all activities <br />regarding stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, and floodplain and wetland <br />alterations. Currently, the City has a memorandum of understating (MOU) that outlines what <br />rules the City will administer on behalf of the RCWD and the terms that will be followed. To <br />retain the regulatory authority over these items, the City needs to update the MOU and adopt the <br />RCWD rules relating to these areas. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION <br />2019-4 AUTHORIZING THE ADOPTION OF THE CITY'S WATER RESOURCE <br />MANAGEMENT PLAN, and ORDINANCE 2019-493 ADOPTING CERTAIN RULES OF <br />THE RICE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT REGARDING STORM WATER <br />MANAGEMENT. <br />Approve Resolution Restricting Parking on 130t' Street from TH61 to Goodview Avenue <br />130th Street is proposed to be reconstructed as a 26-foot from face -of -curb to face -of -curb, urban <br />section roadway to comply with the design standards set forth by MnDOT as required by <br />Municipal State Aid (MSA) funding. As this segment along 130th Street is proposed to include <br />concrete curb and gutter, a resolution for Council consideration approves restricting parking <br />along both sides 130th Street from Forest Boulevard (TH 61) to Goodview Avenue to <br />accommodate the proposed roadway width of 26-foot as measured from face -of -curb to face -of - <br />curb. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2019-5 RESTRICTING <br />PARKING ALONG 130TH STREET FROM FOREST BOULEVARD (TH 61) TO <br />GOODVIEW AVENUE FOR THE 130TH STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT S.A.P. 224- <br />110-002. <br />