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in Hugo will be used. The MS 150 is a fundraising event where riders begin in Proctor, MN and <br />ride to Century College in White Bear Lake. On the second day, riders will be traveling south <br />through Hugo on the Hardwood Creek Trail and the shoulder of TH61 between 10:00 a.m. and <br />4:30 p.m. The MS 150 has been held successfully for the past several years. Staff recommends <br />Council approve the Special Event Permit for the MS 150 on June 9, 2019. <br />GA Approve Special Event Permit for Blacksmith Lounge for 2019 Events <br />The Blacksmith Lounge Restaurant has applied for a Special Event permit for approval of 14 <br />events hosted on their property between April and October of 2019. The events will be held on <br />the owner's property surrounding the Blacksmith Lounge Restaurant. The events require City <br />Council approval because they will be serving alcohol, some events expect over 200 people and <br />an amplified speaker system will be used. Staff has received the completed application, fee, and <br />signed Hold Harmless Agreement. The events consist of auctions car shows and swap meets, <br />with the biggest event being the Northern Lights Pig Roast, which has been occurring at the <br />Blacksmith Lounge for over 30 years. Staff recommends Council approve the Special Event <br />Permit for the Blacksmith Lounge for their 2019 events. <br />G.5 Approve Ordinance Amendment to Allow 8 a.m. Sunday Sales for On -Sale Licenses <br />In 2015, MN State Statute 340A.504 was amended to allow the sale of on -sale intoxicating <br />liquor on Sundays to begin at 8 a.m. instead of 10 a.m. In Hugo City Code, hours of sale are as <br />authorized under state law; however, the section of Hugo City Code that references Sunday <br />Licenses specifically states that sales cannot begin prior to 10 a.m. Staff has received a request <br />from the Hugo American Legion to amend the City Code to allow sales at 8 a.m. on Sunday's. <br />Staff recommends Council adopt the ordinance amending Hugo City Code, Chapter 6, Alcoholic <br />Beverages, to allow for 8 a.m. Sunday Sales. <br />G.6 Approve Right-of-way and Telecommunications Ordinance Amendments to Regulate <br />Small Wireless Facilities <br />A small wireless facility, also known as a small cell, is a newer technology that is a <br />complimentary piece of equipment to traditional cell towers and provides additional cellular data <br />coverage. Recently, there was an amendment to State Statute regarding the regulation of small <br />wireless facilities. The amendments have streamlined the permitting process for placement or <br />collocation of small wireless facilities on city -owned structures in public right-of-way by <br />allowing them as a permitted use in all zoning districts except historic and residential. However, <br />the law also allows cities to manage small wireless facilities through a permitting process, <br />including a collocation agreement, and ordinances. Staff recommended approval of the <br />amendments to update the right-of-way and telecommunications ordinance per the new <br />amendment to State law to prepare for the eventual deployment of small wireless facilities within <br />the community. At its February 28, 2019, meeting the Planning Commission considered and <br />held a public hearing on the ordinance amendments. The Planning Commission agreed with <br />revisions and recommended approval of the amendments to update the right-of-way and <br />telecommunications ordinance. <br />