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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 18,2019 <br /> Page 2 of 8 <br /> Swearing in of Colin Emans as Training Captain, Jason Palmquist as Training Lieutenant, <br /> Ross Hoernemann as Administrative Captain, and Trevor Le2ros as Firefthter <br /> At its February 4, 2019 meeting, Council approved the appointment of Colin Emans as Training <br /> Captain and Ross Hoernemann as Administrative Capitan. At its March 4, 2019 meeting, <br /> Council approved Jason Palmquist as Training Lieutenant, and at its December 17, 2018 <br /> meeting, Council approved Trevor Legros as a regular firefighter. Fire Chief Kevin Colvard <br /> performed the swearing in of the four firefighters to their respective positions. <br /> Hugo Fire Department Annual Report <br /> Hugo Fire Chief Kevin Colvard presented to Council the Fire Department Annual Report for <br /> 2018. During 2018, there was one retirement (Andy Churchill after 14 years), three resignations <br /> and three new hires. Total calls increased to 299,most being rescue calls to assist North <br /> Memorial Ambulance. This was the third full year assisting North Memorial, and the Hugo <br /> Department responded to 136 of 863 calls they received. Call volume will likely continue to <br /> increase as growth increases. Colvard talked about alarm calls commonly due to maintenance of <br /> the devices, and they were trying to educate the public. Automatic Aid with White Bear Lake <br /> had been put into practice during 2018, and a new computer software program was implemented <br /> by Washington County. The department was successful in receiving a grant for the replacement <br /> of all SCBA air packs. The last grant for that equipment was in 2004. Training consisted of 2,580 <br /> man-hours for weekly drills and over 1,000 man-hours for additional training to include <br /> leadership and command classes. Ninety percent of the department has received Active Shooter <br /> Training, and 86 people were trained in CPR. Colvard talked about the AED (Automated <br /> External Defibrillator) initiative started in 2017, and Jim Compton Jr. talked about a recent <br /> incident where a life was saved. Based on the success, the department will be seeking donations <br /> for additional AEDs. Petryk asked what one costs and whether they carried Narcan. Colvard <br /> responded that one AED unit would cost approximately $1,500, and Narcan was carried by the <br /> deputies and ambulance crews. Colvard talked about the aerial apparatus they took delivery of in <br /> late February. There needed to be a great deal of training on it, and their goal was to have it <br /> operational in the month of April. Department goals were to increase daytime staffing, continue <br /> the grant application program, review and refine the equipment CIP, and continue leadership <br /> development. <br /> The Mayor called for a short recess, and the meeting reconvened at 7:54 p.m. <br /> North Memorial Annual Report <br /> Manager Rob Almendinger, Supervisor Shawn McDonough, and Director Rick Wagner from <br /> North Memorial presented the annual report on ambulance services provided to Hugo during <br /> 2018. North Memorial took over as Hugo's primary ambulance provider in August of 2015. <br /> Almendinger talked about staffed hours and how they were adjusted as needed. He presented the <br /> PSA (Primary Service Area) map and data on run distribution. The average response time data <br /> for the entire region was 9:23. North Memorial responded to 723 calls in 2018 with an average <br /> response time of 9:38 and median response time of 8:34. He reviewed response time by priority. <br /> Code 3 (lights and sirens) was 9:13 on average, and Code 2 (no lights or sirens) was 11:24. He <br /> provided data on calls per hour of day and responses showing 68% of the time the patient was <br />