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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 18,2019 <br /> Page 3 of 8 <br /> treated and transported. Almendinger stated that there has been a steady increase in calls over the <br /> past four years, and there is no sign of it going down. Ninety-nine runs were to the Keystone <br /> Senior Living Place, and 93 of the patients were transported. McDonough reviewed the <br /> coverage plan and how they move the trucks around to get better coverage <br /> Weidt asked about response time changes over the past few years. Almendinger replied they will <br /> work to get those numbers, but they do see a trend that they are slightly increasing. The most <br /> restrictive time constraints are in Hennepin County where they require a 10:59 second response. <br /> North Memorial uses that as a gage to determine whether or not they are close to optima. <br /> Almendinger stated they will work on response time data with the Fire Chief. <br /> White Bear Lake School Facility Report <br /> Weidt added this to the agenda for School Superintendent Dr. Wayne. Kazmierczak to provide an <br /> update on the White Bear Lakes School District (ISD 624). <br /> Kazmierczak presented on overview of their strategic plan, which is available to the public. The <br /> plan involved the work of 30 people who met at Hugo City Hall. One thing that emerged was to <br /> ensure learning environments enhance students' education. The district had been working on <br /> facility planning, and he presented maps of the school district showing that schools were <br /> concentrated more to the south. Oneka Elementary School was built in 2003 and serves Hugo <br /> along with the Hugo Elementary School. Studies are being done to anticipate what to do with <br /> housing growth, mainly in the northern part of the district, and Kazmierczak provided information <br /> on potential future developments. Enrollment projections showed they will be at more than their <br /> capacity at 75 % agricultural land buildout by adding approximately 2000 students. With Hugo <br /> adding many to the anticipated growth, there will be space issues. <br /> Tim Wald, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, stated he worked with the <br /> facilities committee identifying needs. Ninety people served on the committee, which met in <br /> October, 2018. Different subcommittees looked at different needs and how those needs were <br /> being met. A solution subcommittee consisting of 30 of the original committee members was still <br /> working on solutions, and what to expect in Hugo is yet to be determined. He stated that it is <br /> likely land will be needed to build a school in Hugo. They have purchase agreements with <br /> properties on the east side of Everton Avenue and will need to navigate the process to meet all <br /> requirements for construction. They should have a clearer idea of where they are at the end of the <br /> week. All of the information the committee was provided is on their website. <br /> Weidt said the City looks forward to working with them on a solution. <br /> Approval of the Consent Agenda <br /> Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br /> 1. Approval of Claims <br /> 2. Approve Annual Performance Review for Finance Director Ron Otkin <br /> 3. Approve Special Event Permit for MS 150 on June 9, 2019 <br />