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2019.04.15 CC Packet
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2019.04.15 CC Packet
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 1, 2019 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />John Waller began by thanking previous mayors and councils that worked to restore ditch <br />infrastructure. He stated that as drainage authority, the RCWD had done special taxing districts <br />and this legislation would treat the County as a taxing district. They would still be able to use ad <br />valorem tax money for some projects, but the legislation would provide a steady floor of money. <br />Maintenance on drainage systems had been deferred for the past forty years, and if not for <br />previous councils, they would not be working on Ditch Number 3. The legislation would make for <br />more accountability, transparency, objectivity, and impartiality. Waller talked about changes that <br />had been made since he has been on the board, and he talked about some of the work that still <br />needed to be done on some ditches. He acknowledged there has been a tremendous change in <br />spending money lately but not if you look back 30-40 years. He asked for Council to support the <br />legislation. <br />Weidt said he could see the argument from both sides. He compared it to Hugo's Council <br />districts and questioned how projects would get done if money raised from each district had to <br />stay in that district. He acknowledged the relationship with RCWD has improved greatly thanks <br />to Waller. He pointed out that earlier this evening, a grant was approved from the watershed <br />district for a water reuse project. RCWD is also doing a ditch project, so Hugo is receiving <br />money. Weidt stated that the district needed to make decisions as a group and not be limited as to <br />where the money can be spent. <br />Klein talked about water quality issues related to water coming out of jurisdictions that are <br />controlled by others. He felt it was important to keep projects consolidated and support programs <br />that produce quality water. He stated cost sharing has improved, and they are moving forward. <br />Hugo has been recognized as a leader and should continue forward with that in mind. Klein said <br />he would have difficult time supporting the legislation. <br />Miron agreed and said he appreciated Manager Waller's history and longevity with the district, <br />and he recognized that things have not always been as balanced as they are now. Regardless what <br />happens in the legislature, he said it was important to get continued reporting from the District <br />and information about taxes that are collected and spent, and to make sure the current trend <br />continues. He said he realized the district is more than one county and one city, and the projects <br />help all. Miron said the board has done a great job of supporting Hugo, and he wanted that to <br />continue. <br />Petryk said she agreed with everything said, and the important thing was that they are moving <br />forward. She stated there have been issues in the past, but people now realize that the RCWD is <br />the City's partner, and they have been extremely supportive. She said she agreed on transparency <br />to show that people are being treated fairly and do see a return on the money they are putting in. <br />She stated that things have changed over the past four years, and she would like to move forward <br />instead of backward. She was not in support of the bills. <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to draft a letter opposing the house and senate bills. <br />Ayes: Becky, Klein <br />Nays: Weidt, Miron <br />Motion failed. <br />
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