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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 1, 2019 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />accordingly with the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture for a price of <br />$30,629.92 plus tax and licensing. Public Works staff had reviewed this purchase with Finance <br />Director, Ron Otkin. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of the 1/4 ton <br />Chevrolet through the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture for a price of <br />$30,629.92 plus tax and licensing. <br />Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the Elmcrest Avenue and Cedar <br />Street Improvement Project <br />At its March 18, 2019, meeting, Council approved the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the <br />City of Lino Lakes to complete roadway improvements on 24th Avenue/Elmcrest Avenue from <br />Tart Lake Road to the south a distance of 2,300 feet, and East Cedar Street from Otter Lake Road <br />to the east a distance of 2,600 feet. City Engineer Mark Erichson explained the JPA defined that <br />the East Cedar Street improvements were the financial responsibility of the City of Lino Lakes, <br />and the 24th Avenue/Elmcrest Avenue improvements would be the financial responsibility of the <br />City of Hugo. The final project costs to each community would be based on the percentage of <br />construction and engineering costs as outlined in the JPA. The Elmcrest Avenue total estimated <br />project cost was $295,000, and funding for the project was proposed through the street <br />improvement fund. Erichson reviewed the time line stating they will be soliciting bids and expect <br />to award the contract in July. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded to approve RESOLUTION 2019-15 AUTHORIZING <br />PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE EAST CEDAR STREET & <br />24TH AVENUE/ELMCREST AVENUE NORTH IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Proposed Legislation Regarding Rice Creek Watershed District Spending <br />Representative Peter Fischer and Senator Karin Housley had authored bills at the request of Rice <br />Creek Watershed District Manager John Waller. City Administrator Bryan Bear explained that <br />these were identical bill that would require a minimum of 90 percent of the money collected <br />in Washington County through special assessments and ad valorem taxes be spent on projects in <br />Washington County. He noted that Washington County had provided a letter in support of the <br />bills, and the RCWD Board recently passed a resolution opposing it. In attendance at the meeting <br />were RCWD Board Members Steve Wagamon, Mike Bradley, Pat Preiner, and John Waller. <br />Preiner stated that the board knew nothing about these bills, so it was a surprise to them. If it <br />does pass, they would need to restructure their funding, and she did not think that was a good <br />idea. She said they may not be able to use ad valorem funding and projects needing money would <br />not be done. She asked the Council to not support it. <br />Mike Bradley stated that, instead of looking at a project, they would need to look at the location, <br />and water quality projects are ad valorem because they affect everyone. He said it was not a well <br />thought out bill. <br />