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KA Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein will update the Council on the activities of the <br />Yellow Ribbon Network to date. <br />L.1 Railroad Open House April 17, 2019 <br />Council has scheduled a meeting to attend the Railroad Open House on Wednesday, April 17, <br />2109 beginning at 10 a.m. at Schwieters new facility in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. <br />L.2 Schedule VIP Dinner at the Hugo Legion on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 <br />Council has been invited to attend a VIP Open House at the Hugo American Legion to celebrate <br />the opening of their new restaurant "The Post" on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 from 5-7 p.m. Staff <br />recommends Council schedule this as a meeting if they choose to attend. <br />L.3 Metro Cities Annual Meeting on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 <br />Council has scheduled a meeting to attend the Metro Cities Annual Meeting on Wednesday, April <br />24, 2019, at the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory from 5:30 — 7:30 p.m. <br />LA East Metro Water Workshop on Thursday, April 25, 2019 <br />The Council has scheduled a meeting to attend the East Metro Water Resource Education <br />Program workshop on wetlands and planting for clean water on Thursday, April 25, 2019, from 6- <br />7:30 p.m. at Hugo City Hall. <br />I.5 Schedule Workshop on Community Parks Funding for Monday, April 291h or May 13th <br />Included in the 2019 City Council Goals was to establish a mechanism for parks funding. <br />Council encouraged staff to schedule a workshop to evaluate options for funding for community <br />parks such as Lions Park, Irish Avenue Park, and Clearwater Creek Preserve Park. After working <br />with the City's financial advisor, staff is prepared to discuss the funding. Staff recommends <br />Council schedule the workshop on parks funding for either Monday April 29 or May 13. <br />L.6 Fire Department Live Burn Saturday, May 4, 2019 <br />The Council has scheduled a meeting to attend the Hugo Fire Department live burn at 13040 <br />Ingersoll Avenue on Saturday, May 4, 2019, beginning at 8:00 a.m. <br />L.7 Law Enforcement Day on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 <br />Each year, the Washington County Sheriff's Office hosts a Law Enforcement Memorial Day <br />service at the Historic Courthouse in Stillwater at noon on May 151h. At the event, Peace Officers <br />and Correction Officers honor those who have fallen in the line of duty. Staff recommends <br />Council schedule a meeting to attend Law Enforcement Memorial Day at noon on May 15, 2019. <br />