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2019.04.15 CC Packet
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2019.04.15 CC Packet
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4/12/2019 8:54:36 AM
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G.9 Approve Wetland Replacement Plan for 165th Street Solar Farm <br />To accommodate the development of a solar facility along 165th Street, Sunrise Energy Ventures <br />(FastSun4, LLC) submitted a revised application based on a previous joint application that was <br />approved in November 2018. The revision includes an increase in avoidable wetland impact that <br />requires replacement from 0.165 acres to 0.197 acres. The applicant is proposing to replace the <br />additional wetlands that are impacted through the purchase of wetland credits. Based on staff s <br />review of the application and supporting documentation, the requirements under the MN Wetland <br />Conservation Act (WCA) have been met. Staff recommends approval of the Sunrise Energy <br />Ventures application for sequencing and wetland replacement. <br />G.10 Approve Resolutions Approving Oneka Place 3rd Addition Final Plat and <br />Development Agreement <br />CPDC — Pratt — Oakwood, LLP, is requesting approval of a final plat and development agreement <br />to plat 54 residential lots and 3 oultlots from the Oneka Place preliminary plat. This will develop <br />a 13.7 acre piece of property legally described as Outlots J and K, Oneka Place. The site is <br />currently vacant. The lots meet the minimum lot standards and requirements for the Oneka Place <br />PUD. Staff recommends approval the resolution approving the Final Plat and Development <br />Agreement for Oneka Place 3rd Addition. <br />H.1 Update on Waters Edge Water Reuse Project Phase II <br />At the April 1, 2019 City Council meeting the City Council approved the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District Cost -Share Agreement for the Water's Edge Phase 2 Water Reuse Improvement Project. <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson will provide an update to the Council and outline the steps to move <br />the project forward. Staff is recommending City Council approve the resolution authorizing the <br />preparation of plans and specifications for the Water's Edge Phase II Water Reuse Improvement <br />Project. <br />I.1 Rosemary Apartments Site Plan, CUP, and Frenchman Place 4th Addition Final Plat <br />MWF Properties, is requesting approval of a site plan and conditional use permit (CUP) for a <br />three story approximately 80,000 square foot apartment building (including underground parking <br />lot) for the property located north of Rosemary Way and west of Everton Avenue. Apartments are <br />allowed in the Medium Density Multiple Family Residential (R-5) with a CUP. The property is <br />18.15 acres, including several wetlands for a total of 4.6 acres buildable. The density of the <br />project would be ten units per acre, meeting the zoning district regulations. The applicant is also <br />requesting approval of a final plat for Frenchman Place 3rd Addition, consistent with the <br />preliminary plat. At its March 28, 2019, meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing <br />and considered the request of the applicant. There were a number of residents that spoke at the <br />meeting and raised concerns about affordable housing, building height, storm water drainage, <br />parking, fire protection, and park space. Staff had recommended approval of the applications to <br />the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission generally liked the plans but had a few <br />questions on the building height, parking, drainage, and architecture. Most of the same answers <br />above were provided. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the applications, <br />subject to the conditions on the resolutions. The vote was to approve the applications 6 to 1. The <br />nay vote resulted from a concern that the project did not meet the character of the area. <br />
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