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Planning Commission <br />February 28, 2019 <br />Page 2 <br />Chair Kleissler opened the discussion with the commissioners and staff. Commissioner Derr opened the <br />discussion by addressing how utilities are accounted for with small wireless facilities in use. Weber clarified that <br />utility companies will provide electricity to the small wireless facilities and that should additional electric <br />transmission boxes be required the City could require screeing. Juba also stated that the fees seen in the <br />amendments to the right-of-way ordinance were set by State Statute. Commissioner Arcand then followed by <br />asking if there was a calculated projection for future costs also set by the State and Juba responded that there is <br />not. <br />Commissioner Luchsinger asked if the City has received any requests or permits for small wireless facilities. Juba <br />stated that the City has not received any applications however, Verizon Wireless is interested in meeting with the <br />City of Hugo to inquire about the use of small wireless facilities. <br />Chair Kleissler asked if staff had compared the proposed ordinance amendments to surrounding cities. Weber <br />responded by saying that the ordinance amendments are very similar to neighboring communities and that the <br />application fees are similar as well. <br />Commissioner Derr wanted clarification on abandoned facilities and Weber stated that abandoned facilities are <br />the responsibility of the applicant shall a facility be out of service for a continuous period of six months. The <br />collocation agreement will provide specific requirements for facilities not in use. As a follow up, Chair Kleisser <br />asked how the City will know whether or not a facility is in use and to that Juba responded that the City will have <br />to use its best judgement or to call the company to determine whether or not a facility is in use. Commissioner <br />Fry commented that the applicants will be paying for collocation, which is a way to determine facilities in use. <br />Luchsinger made motion to approve the amendments to Right-of-way and Telecommunications Ordinance to <br />regulate small wireless facilities. Derr seconded. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />Adjournment <br />There is no Planning Commission meeting March 14, 2019 and the next meeting will be on March 28, 2019. <br />Commissioner Arcand made a motion, Commissioner Fry seconded, to adjourn at 7:26 pm. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Emily Weber, Community Development Assistant <br />