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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 6, 2019 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br /> <br /> <br />Approve Resolution for Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment for Adelaide <br />Landing <br /> <br />OP5 Adelaide (Excelsior Group) had requested approval of a PUD Amendment to change the 70- <br />foot wide single family lots to 65-foot wide single family lots. With the proposed PUD <br />amendment and the previous PUD modifications, their total proposed lots would be 324, where <br />319 was approved with the original PUD request. The PUD amendment is consistent with the <br />City’s Comprehensive Plan and the approved Adelaide Landing PUD. The Planning Commission <br />had agreed that the proposed amendment was reasonable and would not noticeably change the <br />overall plan for the PUD. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the <br />PUD amendment for OP5 Adelaide (Excelsior Group) for the development to be known as <br />“Adelaide Landing”, subject to the conditions listed in the resolutions. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2019-21 APPROVING PUD AMENDMENT FOR OP5 <br />ADELAIDE (EXCELSIOR GROUP) FOR “ADELAIDE LANDING” ON PROPERTY <br />LOCATED EAST OF HIGHWAY 61 AND NORTH OF 130TH STREET. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution for Board of Trustees Request for Increase in Lump-Sum Pension <br /> <br />The Board of Trustees for the Hugo Firefighter’ s Relief Association had formally requested City <br />Council ratification of an increase of $100 per year of service in their lump-sum pension benefit. <br />The Finance Department had reviewed this request and found it to be financially feasible and <br />consistent with the Pension Fiscal Policy adopted in April, 2012. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved to ratify the Board of Trustees’ request for a $100 increase in their lump-sum pension <br />benefit and corresponding change to their by-laws. <br /> <br />Accept Donation from the Bayport American Legion to the Hugo Fire Department <br /> <br />The Bayport American Legion conducts gambling at Sal’s Angus Grill and had donated $5,000 to <br />Hugo Fire Department. The Gambling Control Board requires Council approval of contributions <br />to a City. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the donation from the Bayport American <br />Legion of $5,000 to the Hugo Fire Department. <br /> <br />Accept Donation from the Hugo American Legion to the Hugo Fire Department <br /> <br />The Hugo American Legion and has donated $200 to Hugo Fire Department from its gambling <br />proceeds. The Gambling Control Board requires Council approval of contributions to a City. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the donation from the Hugo American Legion of $200 <br />to the Hugo Fire Department. <br /> <br />th <br />130 Street Roundabout Improvement Project <br /> <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson informed Council that bids for the 130th Street Improvement <br />Project were received on April 30, 2019. A total of four bids were received with bids ranging <br />from $2,650,716.57 to $3,188,066.71. The engineers estimate was $2,814,416.00. The low <br />bidder was Dresel Contracting, Inc., who staff is familiar with and have had great success with on <br />past projects. Erichson talked about what the project consisted of, and he reviewed the project <br />schedule showing construction starting in mid-June, 2019, and final completion planned for <br />November 2019. <br /> <br />