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I.1 Approve Advertisement for Bids for Waters Edge Water Reuse Proiect Phase 2 <br />Phase 2 will expand the storm water reuse system that was constructed in parts of the Water's <br />Edge development, more than doubling the capacity and service area. It is estimated that once <br />this Phase II project is completed the entire reuse system will reduce potable water consumption <br />by over 24 million gallons a year on an average annual basis. The reuse system provides <br />significant storm water management benefits as well. The project is receiving a $170,000 grant <br />from the Rice Creek Watershed District, and all of the remaining construction and <br />operation/maintenance costs will be recovered via annual charges to the Homeowner's <br />Associations in the area served. Staff recommends Council approve the Resolution approving <br />the plans and specifications and ordering the advertisement for bids. <br />I.2 Update on National Night Out <br />National Night Out was held on Tuesday, August 61h. Council attended several of the <br />neighborhood events. Council members will provide an update on the events they attended, and <br />provide direction to staff if necessary. <br />J.1 130' Street/Hardwood Creek Regional Trail Feasibility Study <br />At their meeting of April 17, 2019, the Parks Commission discussed the potential trail <br />connections around 130th Street (west of Hwy 61) and the missing segments of the Hardwood <br />Creek Regional Trail. Funding for a feasibility study was received through an active living <br />partnership project with Living Healthy Washington County and the Statewide Health <br />Improvement Program (SHIP). WSB had provided an estimate for a feasibility study, <br />preliminary design, and project report of $13,000 with $10,000 being covered by the SHIP <br />funds. The Parks Commission included $20,000 in their Parks Capital Improvement Plan in <br />2019 for this trail plan. WSB has completed the site evaluation and has proposed three potential <br />trail layouts. Staff met with and notified adjacent property owners. The Parks Commission <br />recommends discussion on the trail options and approval of the drafting of preliminary design <br />documents not to exceed $13,000. <br />J.2 Sunset Lake Future Park Master Plan <br />At the meeting of October 18, 2018, the Parks Commission approved a park dedication proposal <br />for The Preserve on Sunset Lake. The proposal included dedication of .93 acres of land on <br />Sunset Lake adjacent to the .7 acre city -owned parcel. At the time of the development <br />approvals, there was neighborhood interest in those parcels being developed into a park. Both <br />the Parks Commission and the City Council included planning the future park in their 2019 <br />goals and funding was included in the Parks CIP for 2019. WSB and Associates prepared a <br />planning proposal and has completed an initial site evaluation. The Parks Commission <br />recommends approval of the proposal from WSB and Associates to master plan the future park <br />on Sunset Lake. <br />L.1 Yellow Ribbon Network Update <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Council Member Phil Klein will report to Council on the <br />recent activities of the Yellow Ribbon Network. <br />N.1 Adiournment <br />