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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 19, 2019 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />certified through July 31, 2019, on the 130th Street Improvement Project. Phase 1 was <br />substantially complete and open to traffic and the contractor had moved along to Phase 2. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the payment to Dresel Contracting in the amount of <br />$709,814.04. <br />Approve Special Event Permit for the Depot Church Family Block Party on September 8, 2019 <br />Pastor Jenny Sung from the Depot Church had submitted an application for a Special Event <br />Permit to hold a Family Block Party at the Oneka Elementary School on Sunday, September 8, <br />2019, from 4-7 p.m. A SEP was required to be approved by Council because there could be up <br />to 200 people in attendance, and there would be amplified sound. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the Special Event permit for the Depot Church Family Picnic. <br />Elmcrest Avenue/Cedar Street Improvement Proiect with Lino Lakes <br />At its March 18, 2019 meeting, the Council approved a Joint Powers Agreement with the City <br />of Lino Lakes for the paving of sections of 24th Avenue/Elmcrest Avenue and East Cedar Street <br />in Lino Lakes. The bid opening for the project was scheduled for Thursday, August 15, 2019, <br />at 11 a.m. at the City of Lino Lakes. The bids came in 23% higher than anticipated. The <br />engineer's estimate was $598,303 for the entire project. ($161,258 for Hugo and $437,045 for <br />Lino Lakes). City Engineer Mark Erichson explained the engineer's estimate had been reduced <br />due to changes in the project. Four bids were received ranging from $777,551.60 - $892,514.46 <br />with the low bid from TA Schifsky & Sons, Inc. Hugo's portion from TA Schifsky was <br />$211,959, which was slightly higher than the first estimate of $246,000. Overall for the entire <br />project, the bids were considerable higher, which Erichson stated he expected due to unavailable <br />workforce and contractors did not have the capacity to do the work. The Council was being <br />asked to accept the bids and award the contract or reject all bids. Erichson stated he was unsure <br />what direction the City of Lino Lakes would go, but both cities needed to approve the bids for <br />the contract to be awarded. <br />Weidt questioned what the delay was in getting the project bid. Erichson replied that Lino <br />Lakes' scope was more substantial with drainage, soils, and property rights issues. <br />Klein questioned whether there was a safety issue if the project was not done this year. <br />Erichson replied there were no proposed drainage issues as part of the project and no safety <br />issues. <br />Petryk asked, if Hugo finds the bids unacceptable, would it void the Joint Powers Agreement <br />with Lino Lakes. Erichson stated be believed that if Hugo rejected the bids, Lino Lakes would <br />likely do the same. If Hugo accepted them, Lino Lakes may still reject them. <br />Haas stated he would not object to moving forward with the project. It would be easier for <br />Public Works to maintain the roadway and for residents to drive on it. <br />Klein concurred with Haas saying the residents should not have to deal with the mud and gravel <br />for another year. <br />