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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 19, 2019 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the resolution receiving bids and recommending <br />Lino Lakes award the contract. <br />Weidt talked about discussions he had with the neighbors and how they have been waiting for <br />the project to be done. He asked City Administrator Bryan Bear if there had been discussions <br />with Lino Lakes about whether they would immediately put the project back out for bid or if <br />there was a chance they would back out of the contract. <br />Bear replied that there were advantages for each city to do the project together. The idea would <br />be for Lino Lakes to rebid the project for construction next spring. He added that the City also <br />had the ability to bid a separate project for its own road. <br />Weidt stated he didn't think Lino Lakes would approve the project, and it was best to save the <br />money for next spring. Considering the pricing, it was clear no one wanted to do the project this <br />fall, and he was concerned that the project would not turn out well. <br />Ayes: Klein, Haas <br />Nays: Petryk, Miron, Weidt <br />Motion failed. <br />Weidt made motion, Miron seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2019 — 33 RECEIVING <br />BIDS AND RECOMMENDING LINO LAKES REJECT ALL BIDS FOR THE EAST CEDAR <br />STREET & 24TH AVENUE/ELMCREST AVENUE NORTH IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to negotiate an amended joint powers agreement with Lino <br />Lakes so the project can be rebid and continue to move forward. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Advertisement for Bids for Waters Edte Water Reuse Project Phase 2 <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson explained Phase 2 of the Waters Edge Water Reuse Project would <br />expand the storm water reuse system that was already constructed in parts of the Water's Edge <br />development, more than doubling the capacity and service area. It was estimated that once the <br />Phase II project is completed, the entire reuse system will reduce potable water consumption by <br />over 24 million gallons a year on an average annual basis. The reuse system provides <br />significant storm water management benefits as well. The project was receiving a $170,000 <br />grant from the Rice Creek Watershed District, and all of the remaining construction and <br />operation/maintenance costs would be recovered via annual charges to the Homeowner's <br />Associations in the area served. <br />Klein made motion, Haas seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2019 — 34 APPROVING <br />PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR <br />THE WATER' S EDGE PHASE II WATER REUSE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />