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Minutes of Proceedings of theVillage Council of the <br />May 1, 1961 Meeting called to order by acting Pres. <br />James Letourneau in absence of Pres. <br />Emil Maslowski who is hospitalized, at 8:10pm. <br />Roll call of officers: Emil Maslowski absent, <br />James Letourneau, Walter Marier, Clarence <br />Wenzel, Robert Burkhand present. <br />Motion made and seconded that minutes <br />of previous meeting be approved as <br />read. Motion carried. <br />Motion made and seconded that the following <br />bills be paid. <br />Northern States Power Co (1st State Bank) 164.60 <br />Northwestern Bell Tel Co 30.40 <br />Forest Lake Times Gen? 22.00 water system 17.00 39.00 <br />Robert Burkhand clerk fees 30.00, tel 3.22, stamps & supplies 2.70 <br />??????? 6.00, Travel exp 5.60, 1.50 ??? 49.02 <br />Fred Nadeau ????? 54.00 <br />Herb Theilbar labor street 6.50 <br />Edward Lutz Police and Janitor 136.30 <br />PERA 17.40 <br />James Letourneau Bldg Insp 25.00 <br />Walter Marier snow fence, labor streets 12.00 <br />Adelore Theroux snow fence, labor streets 300 <br />Hillcrest Vet Hospital 68.50 <br />Motion made and seconded that the following <br />bills be paid from the construction fund. <br />Soil Exploration Company 203.25 <br />Tri-State Drilling Co 7855.00 <br />Erickson Plumbing and Heating Co 14355.91 <br />Ehlers Mann Assoc Inc Fiscal Agent 3624.84 <br />Howard A Kuusisto Engineer Service 4423.12 <br />Howard A Kuusisto " " 287.12 <br />Howard A Kuusisto " " 157.10 <br />