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Village of Hugo County of Wash Minn. <br />Motion made and seconded that $30.00 be <br />expended for materials for a grand stand seating 16 <br />people at the baseball park. Motion carried. <br />Boy Scouts given permission by Council <br />to use hall on Tues evenings for meeting <br />with Robert Miller in charge as Scout <br />Master and also is storage space in <br />storage room for same including <br />shelving to be supplies by the Scouts. <br />Motion made and seconded that Village <br />conduct hearing on May 23, 1961 for <br />additional water mains. <br />Motion made and seconded that village <br />have Northern States Power Co install new <br />Nitewatch light for village hall at <br />the cost of $3.25 per month and to be maintained <br />by the Northern States Power Co entirely. <br />Motion made and seconded that Robert <br />Burkhand be hired to work out Front <br />Footage assessments and unit assessments for <br />the Village at a flat rate of $1000 for the <br />job, plus travel expenses. Motion carried. <br />Acting Mayor James Letourneau proclaimed <br />clean up week for the week of May 14, 1961 <br />Hours to be 3:00pm to 7pm week days and <br />Saturday 9:00 to 11:00am and 1-5pm. <br />Motion made and seconded that Village <br />adopt Resolution of Women's Club of Grove City <br />pertaining to Home mail delivery service <br />whenever possible.