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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2019 <br />D.1 November 18, 2019, City Council Meeting <br />D.2 November 20, 2019, Goodview Avenue Neighborhood Meeting <br />Staff recommends Council approve the above minutes as presented. <br />F.1 Donation to the Hugo Yellow Ribbon Network by Jeff Loeks <br />Jeff Locks will be in attendance to present a donation to the Hugo Yellow Ribbon Network. <br />G.1 Approve Claims Roster <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br />G.2 Approve Resolution Approving 2019 Salary and Reimbursement Levels <br />At the mid -year budget workshop, the City Council indicated their willingness to adjust the <br />City's salary matrix by 3% and to grant step increases to those employees who have not yet <br />reached their pay grade maximums. Ten of the City's 26 full-time employees will receive step <br />increases. The net aggregate dollar increase equals $90,527 and the overall budget for employee <br />wages will increase by 4.7%. Using state supplied software the Finance Department verified that <br />the City will remain in compliance with Pay Equity Statutes. Staff recommends that the City <br />Council approve the resolution setting 2020 salaries for City Employees and establishing <br />reimbursement levels. <br />G.3 Approve Extension Requests for Connection to City Sanitary Sewer —129th Street <br />Improvement Proiect <br />In 2007, a street project was done with improvements to 129t' Street, Elmcrest Avenue, and <br />Ethan Avenue that included installation of municipal sewer and water. According to ordinance, <br />property owners have one year to connect to the system or request an extension. Council <br />approved three-year extensions in 2007, 2010, 2013 and again in 2016 on six properties, which <br />will be expiring at the end of this year. Four of these properties have individual sewage <br />treatment systems that are in compliance with Washington County's septic requirements, one <br />property is a seasonal business with a holding tank that is pumped annually, and one is an <br />unoccupied residence. Staff is recommending approval of extensions for five of the properties <br />with the condition they remain compliant with Washington County's septic requirements, and <br />recommends the unoccupied property be required to connect to the municipal system prior to <br />issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Staff recommend Council approve the three-year <br />extensions for connection to City Sanitary Sewer until December 31, 2022, subject to the <br />conditions as stated. <br />GA Approve Resolution for Renewal of 2020 Licenses for Refuse Haulers <br />The City has received applications from seven refuse haulers who provide refuse collection and <br />recycling services to Hugo businesses and residents. Licenses will be issued to these haulers <br />