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G.18 Approve Animal Control Service Contracts with Companion Animal Control and <br />Otter Lake Animal Hospital for 2020 <br />Since July 2013, Companion Animal Control and Otter Lake Animal Hospital have been <br />providing animal control services to the City. Staff recommends continuation of the current <br />contracts with Companion Animal Control and Otter Lake Animal Hospital for 2020. <br />G.19 Approve Amendments to the Agreement with City of Scandia for Building Inspection <br />Services <br />For the past five years, the City of Hugo has been providing building inspection services to the <br />City of Scandia according to an agreement with them. After reviewing the associated fees, staff <br />would like to increase the cost per inspection from $58 to $60 and the rate per mile from $.565 to <br />$.58. This would be the first change to the agreement since its adoption in 2015. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the amendment to the agreement with the City of Scandia for <br />Building inspection services. <br />G.20 Approve Resolution and Conditional Use Permit for Shared Driveway on Keller <br />Avenue (Jeff Penton and Shirley E. Nelson -Hill Trust) <br />Jeff Penton and Shirley E. Nelson -Hill Trust have applied for a conditional use permit for a <br />shared driveway between properties generally located north of 122nd Street North and west of <br />Keller Avenue North. A CUP is required for a driveway if it is shared by two or more separate <br />parcels. At its December 19, 2019 meeting, the Hugo Planning Commission considered the <br />request and held a public hearing. No one spoke at the public hearing. The Planning Commission <br />recommended approval of the conditional use permit to the City Council, subject to the <br />conditions listed in the resolution and draft conditional use permit. <br />G.21 Approve Ordinance Rezoning Property at 9822 152nd Street North (Ed Tschida) <br />Ed Tschida has submitted a zoning amendment request to rezone the property located at 9822 <br />152nd Street North from the Long Term Agricultural Zoning District to the Agricultural Zoning <br />District. At its December 19, 2019 meeting, the Hugo Planning Commission considered the <br />request and held a public hearing. No one spoke at the public hearing. The Planning Commission <br />recommended approval of the ordinance for rezoning to the City Council. <br />G.22 Approve Resolution Approving Planned Unit Development Amendment for Adelaide <br />Landing <br />OP5 Adelaide (Excelsior Group) is requesting approval of a PUD Amendment to revise the <br />building setbacks for the 50-foot wide single family lots on the northern portion of the <br />development. There are 51 lots approved in the area with the preliminary plat, the total number <br />of lots will not change. At its Thursday, December 19, 2019, meeting the Planning Commission <br />considered and held a public hearing on the request. Staff recommended approval of the request <br />to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD <br />amendment OP5 Adelaide (Excelsior Group) for the development to be known as "Adelaide <br />Landing", subject to the conditions listed in the resolutions. <br />