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G.23 Approve Resolutions Approving Variance, Conditional Use Permit, and Termination <br />of Development Agreement and Restrictive Covenants for Properties on Henna Ave. <br />Scanlon <br />Wayne Scanlan is requesting approval a variance for the property located at 17530 Henna <br />Avenue North for the property to have zero feet of street frontage, where 300 feet is required by <br />ordinance. The applicant is also requesting approval of a conditional use permit (CUP) for shared <br />driveway that provides access to 3 parcels, parcels A, B, and C (17530 Henna Avenue North, <br />17590 Henna Avenue North, and 7355 177th Street North,). In addition, the applicant is <br />requesting that an existing covenant be released that is against the properties at 7355 177th Street <br />North and 17530 Henna Avenue North. At its Thursday, December 19, 2019, meeting the <br />Planning Commission reviewed and considered and held a public hearing on the request. Staff <br />recommended approval of the requests. The Planning Commission agreed that the applications <br />met the criteria necessary to approve the variance and CUP requests and recommended approval <br />of the applications to the City Council, subject to the conditions listed the resolutions. The <br />Planning Commission also recommended approval of the release of the covenant against parcel <br />7355 177th Street North and 17530 Henna Avenue North, if the variance and CUP are approved <br />with the conditions listed in the resolutions. <br />I.1 Goodview Avenue Improvement Project — Receive Feasibility Study and Set Public <br />Hearing <br />The 2020 Goodview Avenue Improvement Project Improvement Project is identified in the <br />City's Capital Improvement Plan to address the poor condition of the roadway. On October 21, <br />2019, the Hugo City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility report for the 2020 <br />Goodview Avenue Improvement Project. The 2020 Goodview Avenue Improvement Project <br />Improvement Project consists of roadway improvements on Goodview Avenue North from the <br />southern city border to Egg Lake Road/ 137th Street/County Road 8. The City held a <br />neighborhood meeting on November 20, 2019, to receive input on the project. Proposed <br />improvements throughout the project include bituminous pavement reclamation, minor subgrade <br />corrections, and minor drainage improvements, with grading and culvert replacement only as <br />necessary to address isolated drainage issues. Roadway options were considered during <br />preliminary design. Option 1 consists of bituminous reclamation and paving at the existing <br />widths; Option 2 consists of bituminous reclamation and paving with minor shoulder <br />widening. The cost of Option 1 is estimated at $1,320,000. Option 2 is estimated at $1,540,000. <br />These project costs include a 10% contingency and 25% indirect costs. Funding for the project <br />will consist of special assessments, City Street CIP Funds, and State Aid Funds. Staff is <br />recommending City Council approve the resolution receiving the feasibility report and setting the <br />public hearing for February 3, 2020. <br />J.1 Approve Resolution Approving Rice Lake Reserves Planned Unit Development and <br />Preliminary Plat <br />Fenway Land Company is requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit <br />Development (PUD) for a residential development. The preliminary plat includes 93 single <br />family residential lots and 3 outlots to be known as "Rice Lake Reserve". At its December 19, <br />2019, meeting the Planning Commission considered and held a public hearing on the request. <br />Staff recommended approval of the request, subject to revisions outlined in the resolution. The <br />Planning Commission, with a vote of 5-1, made a recommendation to approve the PUD and <br />preliminary plat, subject to the conditions listed in the resolution, and a revision that a <br />