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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 6, 2020 <br />Page 7 of 11 <br /> <br />“Adelaide Landing”, subject to the conditions listed in the resolutions. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2020-3 APPROVING PUD AMENDMENT FOR OP5 <br />ADELAIDE (EXCELSIOR GROUP) FOR “ADELAIDE LANDING” ON PROPERTY <br />LOCATED EAST OF HIGHWAY 61 AND NORTH OF 130TH STREET. <br /> <br />Approve Resolutions Approving Variance, Conditional Use Permit, and Termination of <br />Development Agreement and Restrictive Covenants for Properties on Henna Ave. <br />(Scanlon) <br /> <br />Wayne Scanlan had requested approval a variance for the property located at 17530 Henna <br />Avenue North to have zero feet of street frontage, where 300 feet was required by ordinance. The <br />applicant also requested approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a shared driveway that <br />would provide access to three parcels: 17530 Henna Avenue North, 17590 Henna Avenue North, <br />and 7355 177th Street North. In addition, the applicant requested that an existing covenant be <br />released that is against the properties at 7355 177th Street North and 17530 Henna Avenue North. <br />At its Thursday, December 19, 2019, meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing <br />on the request and agreed that the applications met the criteria necessary to approve the variance <br />and CUP requests. The Planning Commission recommended approval to the City Council, <br />subject to the conditions listed the resolutions. The Planning Commission also recommended <br />approval of the release of the covenant against parcel 7355 177th Street North and 17530 Henna <br />Avenue North, if the variance and CUP are approved with the conditions listed in the resolutions. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2020-4 APPROVING A <br />VARIANCE FROM THE STREET FRONTAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR A PARCEL <br />LOCATED AT 17530 HENNA AVENUE NORTH, and RESOLUTION 2020-5 APPROVING <br />A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A SHARED DRIVEWAY FOR THE <br />PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF 177TH STREET NORTH AND WEST <br />OF HENNA AVENUE, and RESOLUTION 2020-6 APPROVING THE TERMINATION OF <br />THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANT FOR <br />PROPERTIES LOCATED GENERALLY SOUTH OF 177TH STREET NORTH AND WEST <br />OF HENNA AVENUE NORTH. <br /> <br />Goodview Avenue Improvement Project – Receive Feasibility Study and Set Public <br />Hearing <br /> <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson presented information on the 2020 Goodview Avenue <br />Improvement Project as identified in the City’s Capital Improvement Plan to address the poor <br />condition of the roadway. On October 21, 2019, the Hugo City Council authorized the <br />preparation of a feasibility report for this project. He explained the project would consist of <br />roadway improvements on Goodview Avenue North from the southern City border to Egg Lake <br />Road/137th Street/County Road 8. The City held a neighborhood meeting on November 20, <br />2019, to receive input on the project. Proposed improvements throughout the project would <br />include bituminous pavement reclamation, minor subgrade corrections, and minor drainage <br />improvements, with grading and culvert replacement only as necessary to address isolated <br />drainage issues. <br />