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2020.01.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2020 CC Minutes
2020.01.06 CC Minutes
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2/4/2020 1:57:43 PM
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2/4/2020 1:57:32 PM
City Council
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 6, 2020 <br />Page 8 of 11 <br /> <br />Administrator Bryan Bear talked about a 10 acre parcel on Goodview Avenue that is subject to a <br />court ordered subdivision. He explained a joint ownership arrangement had fallen apart, and a <br />settlement agreement divided the parcel by court order, but the City had not approved it. Bear <br />explained it is not normal to have a subdivision done by court action, and it was not planned to <br />include City sewer and water, but that would be required by the City. <br /> <br />Erichson talked about the roadway options that were considered during preliminary design. <br />Option 1 consisted of bituminous reclamation and paving at the existing width of 24 feet. Option <br />2 consists of bituminous reclamation and paving with minor shoulder widening of two feet, and <br />would include some ditch work. If the Council chose to widen it to 26 feet, it would first need to <br />be determined if it would qualify as a MnDOT recondition project. The cost of Option 1 is <br />estimated at $1,320,000. Option 2 is estimated at $1,540,000. These project costs include a 10% <br />contingency and 25% indirect costs. Funding for the project would consist of special <br />assessments, City Street CIP Funds, and State Aid Funds. Erichson also presented the option for <br />the extension of sewer saying the cost on that would be $718,000 and would be 100% assessed to <br />the property owners. He explained the City’s Comprehensive Plan proposed utility <br />improvements along Goodview, but it would be premature without development plans. The west <br />side of Goodview could be serviced by sewer but the eastern portion is outside of the <br />Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). Erichson talked about the future trail map in the <br />Comprehensive Plan that showed a trail on the west side of the road. He stated this would have a <br />considerable impact with the wetlands, greatly increasing the project cost, and would better be <br />done in the future when utilities are constructed. <br /> <br />Erichson presented the project schedule and recommended the Council schedule the public <br />hearing for February 3, 2020. Construction would begin in the spring and be completed in <br />September, 2020. The assessment hearing was proposed to be held in October, 2020. <br /> <br />The Council discussed the road width and generally agreed on the wider shoulder. Also <br />discussed was the court ordered subdivision. Bear explained the subdivision did not go through <br />the normal process so no utilities were ever discussed. City Attorney Dave Snyder added that <br />the City is fortunate to be able to bring utilities to the site with this road project, but the property <br />owners would need to pay 100%. He said the order had not be finalized by the court, and he <br />expected resolution before Council takes action on the utility extension. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2020-7 RECEIVING THE <br />FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2020 <br />GOODVIEW AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Approving Rice Lake Reserves Planned Unit Development and <br />Preliminary Plat <br /> <br />Fenway Land Company had requested approval of a Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit <br />Development (PUD) for a residential development to be generally located on the north side of <br />Egg Lake road, west of the Public Works building and southeast of the Diamond Point East
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