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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 6, 2020 <br />Page 9 of 11 <br />the City. Petryk had concerns about the cost and wondered if the City could get a better price. <br />Juba replied the City worked with WSB for estimates; the project has not gone out for bid, which <br />could be done after preparation of the construction documents. Weidt commented that the sign <br />would be something unique to Hugo, and though he hoped the cost would be less, this is <br />something the City has talked about for a number of years. He understood the price being higher <br />considering the construction climate. Klein expanded on that saying the sign would help identify <br />Hugo and welcome growth and opportunities. <br />Ayes: Klein, Petryk, Weidt <br />Nay: Haas, Miron <br />Motion carried. <br />Bear added staff would bring this item back to Council once the construction documents were <br />prepared and there is a firm estimate. <br />Discussion on TH61 Corridor Plan <br />Council added to the 2019 goals direction to staff to initiate a discussion with Washington <br />County and MnDOT regarding improvements to the TH61 corridor. City Administration Bryan <br />Bear talked about TH61 being a state highway that may eventually be turned over to Washington <br />County and the Regional Rail Authority. He informed Council that staff had been having <br />discussions with entities involved where they considered the access management plan done about <br />12 years ago and questioned whether it was still the right plan. He said officials believed it has <br />some merit, but there was consensus that the corridor plan needed to be updated. Bear asked <br />Council if they wanted to initiate the process to update the plan by sending a letter to <br />Washington County <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to direct staff to draft a letter to Washington County and <br />other partners regarding reevaluation the Highway 61 corridor plan. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried <br />Presentation by John Waller <br />John Waller, 14010 Homestead Avenue North, addressed the Council saying he was a member <br />of the Rice Creek Watershed District Board of Directors, but was speaking as a resident. He <br />talked about proposed legislation that would save money collected by RCWD for spending in <br />Hugo. He stated the RCWD Board has no elected officials on it; therefore, there is no check and <br />balance by the vote. Waller said he thinks the legislation is important, and there has been <br />tremendous public support with over 900 signatures from Hugo residents. He asked council to <br />send letters to legislators in support of the bill. No formal action was taken <br />Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Phil Klein reported on the Yellow Ribbon Network activities <br />held recently. Haas shared a photo of the January Burger Night sponsor, Lake Area Bank, who <br />