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have been met. Staff recommends approval of the wetland replacement plan for Rice Lake <br />Reserve. <br />G.15 Approve Resolution Approving a Limited Use Permit for TH61 Right -of -Way for <br />1301' Street Improvement Project <br />On May 6, 2019, Hugo City Council entered into a contract with Dresel Contracting for the 130' <br />Street Improvement Project. The project is substantially complete with final paving and <br />bituminous trail improvements to be completed in the spring of 2020. Following MnDOT <br />Municipal State Aid (MSA) approval of the project, the City is required to execute a Limited Use <br />Permit (LUP) with MnDOT for the portion of the trail within the TH 61 right-of-way. MDOT <br />has recently provided the Limited Use Permit along with a figure identifying the portion of the <br />trail that falls within the MnDOT TH 61 right-of-way. The LUP is limited to the construction, <br />maintenance, and operation of the trail within the TH 61 right-of-way. Staff recommends <br />Council approve the resolution approving the LUP for the TH 61 right-of-way to promote safe <br />crossing of the highway. <br />I.4 Update on Public Works Workshop and Schedule Meeting for Tuesday, March 4, 2020 <br />The Council and City staff held workshops on February 10 and February 19, 2020, for the <br />purpose of discussing the facility needs of the Public Works Department. The City owned <br />property, known as Irish Avenue Park, has been identified as a potential site for a new Public <br />Works Building. Staff has scheduled a neighborhood meeting with the residents in that area to <br />provide information and get feedback. The meeting will be held at Hugo City Hall in the Oneka <br />Room on Wednesday, March 4, 2020, at 7 p.m. Staff recommends Council schedule this as a <br />meeting of the Council. <br />J.1 Approve Resolution on Award of Contract for Elmcrest Avenue/Cedar Street Joint <br />Improvement Project with Lino Lakes <br />The City of Hugo and City of Lino Lakes have entered into a Joint Powers Agreement for <br />improvements to Elmcrest Avenue in Hugo and Cedar Street in Lino Lakes. Bids were initially <br />received on August 15, 2019, with the low bid of $777,551.60, but were rejected due to <br />unfavorable bid prices. The project was rebid, and on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, six bids were <br />opened and read aloud. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy. Please find enclosed <br />the bid summary indicating the low bid as submitted by North Valley, Inc., Nowthen, Minnesota <br />in the amount of $700,636.80 (Engineer's Estimate - $733,757.20) for the base bid and <br />$468,543.34 (Engineers Estimate- $436,131.15) for the Alternate Bid. The alternate was <br />included as part of the rebid package for the extension of sanitary sewer and watermain along <br />Elmcrest Avenue as the City of Hugo was approached regarding potential development on one of <br />the larger parcels along Elmcrest Avenue. The property owner considering developing their <br />property intends to continue to operate the property as a stable and does not want to extend <br />sanitary sewer and watermain to the property. Staff recommends Council consider these bids <br />and approve the resolution recommending the City of Lino Lakes award a contract to North <br />Valley, Inc. for the base bid only, in the amount of $700,636.80. <br />J.2 Discussion on City of Roseville's Request to Create Joint Powers Entity for Metro I - <br />Net Services <br />