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GA Approve Special Event Permits for New Life Church on June 14 and October 4, 2020 <br />New Life Church, 6000 148th Street North, has applied for a Special Event Permit to hold <br />outdoor events on Sunday, June 14 and Sunday October 4, 2019. A Special Event Permit <br />approved by Council is required because they will be using an amplified sound system. The June <br />event will be an outdoor service at 9 a.m. followed by a potluck. The October event is an <br />outdoor gathering from 2-5:30 p.m. with a small band, hayrides, and outdoor games. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the Special Event Permit for New Life Church for their Spring and <br />Fall events. <br />G.5 Approve Special Event Permit for the Blue Heron Grill Tent Partv on June 19 & 20, 2020 <br />Blue Heron Bar and Grill, 14725 Victor Hugo Boulevard, has applied for a Special Event Permit <br />to hold their annual outdoor tent party on Friday, June 19th and Saturday, June 20th. The Blue <br />Heron has held this event for the past seven years. A Special Event Permit approved by Council <br />is required because alcohol will be served outside, approximately 500 people are expected to <br />attend, it will extend after dark, and there will be amplified music. The event will consist of a <br />bean bag tournament during the day on Saturday and bands playing from 8:30 — midnight. Staff <br />has worked with the applicant on details of this event and recommends Council approve the <br />Special Event Permit for the Blue Heron Grill Tent Party on June 19 and 20 subject to the <br />requirements in the permit. <br />G.6 Revision to 2040 Comprehensive Plan Housing Policy <br />On November 18, 2019, the City Council adopted the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Met <br />Council has now informed staff, after reviewing the adopted plan, that in order to be fully <br />consistent with the Met Council's Housing Policy, Table 4-11 in the Housing Chapter needs to <br />be updated to consider all widely known housing tools. This is a minor revision and only <br />requires administrative approval at the Met Council. Staff has revised the table to include the <br />additional tools and the red -lined version of the changes are in the packet. Staff recommends the <br />City Council approve the resolution changing the text in Table 4-11 in Chapter 4 Housing Plan in <br />the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. <br />H.1 Public Hearing on the Vacation of a Drainage and Utility Easement — Adelaide <br />Landing <br />OP5 Adelaide (Excelsior Group) is requesting a vacation of the existing drainage and utility <br />easement located over Outlot B, Adelaide Landing 4th Addition. Outlot B will be used for the <br />development of Adelaide Landing 5th Addition and other future phases. New drainage and utility <br />easements will be placed on the lots at the time the final plat is recorded. Staff is comfortable <br />with the applicant's request to vacate the drainage and utility easements. Staff recommends that <br />the City Council approve the notice to vacate the drainage and utility easement located over <br />Outlot B, Adelaide Landing 4th Addition. <br />I.1 Approve Resolution Approving Adelaide Landing 5th Addition Final Plat and <br />Development Agreement <br />OP5 Adelaide (Excelsior Group) is requesting approval of a final plat to be known as "Adelaide <br />