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Landing 5th Addition" in order to plat 79 lots and 3 outlots on a parcel located east of Highway <br />61 and north of 130th Street, which will develop a portion of Outlot B Adelaide Landing 4th <br />Addition. The site is currently vacant. The lots meet the minimum lot standards and requirements <br />outlined in the regulations for the Adelaide Landing PUD. Staff recommends approval of the <br />resolution approving the Final Plat and Development Agreement for Adelaide Landing 5th <br />Addition. <br />I.2 Update on Neighborhood Meeting Regarding Proposed Public Works Facility <br />In April of 2019, the City Council authorized Oertel Architects to perform a space needs study of <br />the existing Public Works facility. The study was completed in February of 2020. The study <br />concluded that the current facility site, even if expanded, would not be conducive to meet the <br />City's long term needs. Oertel Architects recommended an alternate plan to construct a new <br />facility on an alternate site. Oertel Architects has provided Council with a proposal to develop <br />site and building plans for a new facility to be located on the Irish Avenue Park property. <br />Staff recommends Council approval the attached proposal for the development of site and <br />building plans and specifications for a new facility located on the Irish Avenue property. <br />J.1 The Meadows at Hugo Sketch Plan, Golden Valley Land Company <br />Golden Valley Land Company has applied for a sketch plan review of a potential PUD generally <br />located north of 159th Street and east of the north City water tower. At the March 20, 2019 Parks <br />Commission meeting and March 28, 2019 Planning Commission meeting, staff recommended <br />that the Commissions provide comments on the sketch plan. The applicant then submitted a new <br />sketch plan and staff provided an overview of the changes to the Planning Commission on <br />February 27, 2020. The Planning Commission provided comments on the layout of the site, trail <br />connections, lot sizes, and setbacks. The Planning Commission generally discussed how the <br />applicant could provide more creativity to the layout and add character to the development in <br />exchange for the 5 foot side yard setbacks that are proposed. The applicant is requesting the City <br />Council provide comments on the sketch plan. <br />J.2 Discussion on Coronavirus Response Planning <br />Staff has been following the developments related to the coronavirus health pandemic and will <br />discuss the City's efforts to prepare for the crisis. <br />L. 1 Update on Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein will update the Council on the activities of the <br />Yellow Ribbon Network to date. This was tabled at the last Council meeting. <br />M.1 Metro Cities Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 16, 2020 <br />Council has been invited to attend Metro Cities Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 16, 2020 <br />from 5:30 — 7:30 p.m. at the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory in St. Paul. <br />N. Adiournment <br />