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Goodview Avenue North from the southern city border to Egg Lake Road / 137th Street/County <br />Road 8 include bituminous pavement reclamation, roadway construction to 26-foot width, minor <br />subgrade corrections, minor drainage improvements, and grading and culvert replacement only as <br />necessary to address isolated drainage issues. The plans do not include the utility extension to the <br />property that was in question as to whether it would be subdivided. Plans and Specifications have <br />been prepared and are ready to be advertised for bidding. Plans and Specifications are available <br />for review at City Hall. Advertisement for bids is required to run for a minimum of 21 days with <br />an expected award of a contract at the May 18th City Council meeting. Staff is recommending <br />Council approve the resolution approving the plans and specifications and authorization to <br />advertise for bids. <br />J.1 Update on 2021 Street Reconstruction and Lions Park <br />There are several items that are closely related to improvement projects and development in the <br />area of Lions Park. Those items include improvements to Lions Park, adjustment to the Capital <br />Improvement Plan to do a downtown street project in 2021 instead of 2022, stormwater reuse <br />project on CSAH8, and a future apartment project on the land west of the park. Staff will present <br />information on these items to the Council and request Council provide direction. <br />K. 1 Update on Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein will update the Council on the activities of the <br />Yellow Ribbon Network to date. <br />M.1 Local Board of Appeals and Equalization on Thursday, April 11, 2019 <br />Council is scheduled to meet as the Local Board of Appeals and Equalization on Thursday, April <br />11, 2019, in the Oneka Room from 5:30 — 7:00 p.m. Due to the pandemic, the meeting will take <br />place virtually. Staff has been working on modifications to ensure the public will be able to <br />address the Council. <br />M.2 Cancel Spring Cleanup on April 11, 2020 <br />M.3 Cancel Kidz `n Biz on April 18, 2020 <br />These events had previously been scheduled by Council but have been cancelled due to the <br />COVID-19 pandemic. <br />N. Adiournment <br />