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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 16, 2020 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br /> <br /> <br />Presentation of GFOA Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting - Finance Director <br />Ron Otkin <br /> <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin had received notification from the Government Finance Officers <br />Association of the United States and Canada that the Hugo Finance Department has received <br />their 26th Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. This item will be <br />moved to a future meeting. <br /> <br />Discussion on Coronavirus Response Planning <br /> <br />Staff had been following the developments related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) health <br />pandemic. City Administrator Bryan Bear updated the Council on the City’s efforts to prepare <br />for the crisis. National and state emergencies have been declared by President Trump and <br />Governor Waltz. The City had not been asked to take any official action and is doing its best to <br />follow guidance by public health agencies. Bear talked about the continuance of essential public <br />services and changes to non-essential services such as no water meter installations, temporary <br />suspension of peddler permits, and modifications in entering homes for building inspections and <br />emergency situations. In the future, non-essential services may be reduced or eliminated. City <br />hall had been open but there was little traffic. Staff was available and preferred to communicate <br />via email, telephone, or video conferencing. The Fire Department staff temporarily terminated <br />drills, but will respond to emergencies. Events were being cancelled in the City’s community <br />rooms, and Bear recommended closing the rooms to the public. Public recreation events have <br />been cancelled, and a provision was added to special event permits reserving the City’s right to <br />cancel events due to a public health threat. Nearly all City meetings had been cancelled to avoid <br />person-to-person contact, and discussions needed to be had regarding legal requirements on land <br />use applications. Staff was looking for a way to make meetings happen electronically, which is <br />allowed by state statute in cases of a pandemic. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Miron seconded, to close the City’s event rooms until it is safe to reopen. <br /> <br />All Ayes. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to prepare for electronic meetings and hold them at the <br />direction of the Mayor. <br /> <br />All Ayes <br /> <br />Proposed .25% Sales Tax – Washington County Commissioner Fran Miron <br /> <br />Washington County was proposing a .25% sales tax for transportation in addition to the .25% <br />sales tax currently dedicated for transit projects. The County held the first public hearing on <br />February 11 and had planned on continuing the public hearing on March 17th, with final <br />consideration likely on March 24, 2020. Washington County Commissioner Fran Miron <br />addressed the Council. <br /> <br />Miron stated he couldn’t recall any public hearing being open as long as it has been for this item, <br />which showed there was great interest in tak ing public comments. He stated that a board <br />meeting was scheduled for the following day, and he e xpect ed staff to propose language to the