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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON APRIL 20, 2020 <br />D.1 April 6, 2020, City Council Meeting <br />D.2 April 9, 2020 LBAE Meeting <br />Staff recommends Council approve the above minutes as presented. <br />F.1 Update on COVID-19 City Response <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear will provide an update on how the city is responding to the <br />coronavirus pandemic. <br />G.1 Approve Claims Roster <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br />G.2 Approve Ordinance Rezoning Property at 15500 Keystone Avenue North (Charles and <br />Marykay Haas) <br />Charles and MaryKay Haas submitted a zoning amendment request to rezone the property located <br />at 15500 Keystone Avenue North from the Long Term Agricultural Zoning District to the <br />Agricultural Zoning District. At its April 9, 2020 meeting, the Hugo Planning Commission <br />considered the request and held a public hearing. No one spoke at the public hearing. The <br />Planning Commission recommended approval of the ordinance for rezoning to the City Council. <br />Staff recommends Council approve the ordinance rezoning property at 15500 Keystone Avenue <br />from Long Term Agricultural to Agricultural. <br /> <br />G.3 Approve Resolution Approving Site Plan for Phase II at 13891 Forest Boulevard (TGK <br />Automotive) <br />Sullivan Day Construction is requesting site plan approval on behalf of TGK Automotive for an <br />approximately 2,900 square foot building addition located at 13891 Forest Boulevard North. At <br />its April 9, 2020 meeting, the Hugo Planning Commission considered the request and <br />recommended approval of the ordinance for rezoning to the City Council. Staff recommends <br />Council approve the resolution approving the site plan for 13891 Forest Boulevard North. <br /> <br />G.4 Approve Resolution Declaring Approval to Modify the Municipal State Aid Street <br />System <br />Per State Aid Rules, a City is allowed to add and/or remove mileage annually, provided it meets <br />necessary criteria. In an effort to maximize the construction need <br />with the goal of strategically using the annual available allotment of State Aid funds to the City, <br />th <br />staff is recommending modifications to the system by adding Finale Ave N from 147 St N to <br />th <br />Frenchman Rd (CR 8) and 145 St N from Finale Ave N to Forest Blvd N (Hwy 61). Staff <br />recommends that Council approve the resolution declaring approval of modifications to the <br />MSAS for the City of Hugo and direct staff to submit per MNDOT requirements. <br /> <br />G.5 Approve Hiring of Public Works Seasonal Employees <br />Staff is requesting authorization to hire/re-hire seasonal employees for the public works <br />department. In the 2020 General Fund Budget, Council approved funding for six seasonal <br /> <br />