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employee positions. We have two employees from last year that wish to return. Therefore, a total <br />of four employees are needed to fill the six seasonal positions. Seasonal Public Works Employees <br />assist with mowing, garbage/litter removal, park maintenance, boulevard maintenance and general <br />public works maintenance. With concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic, our department staffing <br />has been adjusted to minimize the exposure to the virus. As the weather changes towards a <br />pattern that is more conducive to our summer maintenance activities, the Public Works <br />Department will need to transition back to full staffing levels. At that point, we would be in a <br />position where seasonal employees would be needed in addition to the full staff. Public Works <br />Director Scott Anderson recommends Council approve the rehiring/hiring of:Roland Guareschi, <br />Marty Schwartz, Ryan Kranz, Carter Wagner, Cody Grahn, and Martin Jorgenson as seasonal <br />employees. <br />H.1 Approve 2020 Stormwater Management Grant Agreement with RCWD- CSAH8 <br />Water Reuse Project <br />City of Hugo continues to work on goals related to stormwater reuse in an effort to reduce the use <br />of potable drinking water drawn from the aquifer for irrigation purposes. There are many benefits <br />of water reuse beyond reducing the demand on the aquifer such as reduction in water <br />infrastructure needs, cost savings for irrigation users, water quality improvements and reduction <br />in water volume to downstream water bodies (flood control). Staff was recently notified that we <br />were successful in replacing the $60,000 Urban Stormwater Remediation Cost Share Program <br />Grant from the Rice Creek Watershed District with a $100,000 Stormwater Management Grant <br />from the Rice Creek Watershed District, bringing the total in secured grants for the County Road <br />8 Water Reuse agreement to $150,000. The total project cost is estimated to be $545,000. The <br />2020 Stormwater Management Grant Agreement indicates the project will need to be completed <br />by October 31, 2022. Staff recommends approval of the $100,000 2020 Stormwater Management <br />Grant Agreement with Rice Creek Watershed District for the County Road 8 Water Reuse project. <br /> <br />H.2 Update on 2021 Street Reconstruction Projects and Lions Park Improvements <br />At the April 6. 2020, meeting, staff discussed with Council several items related to projects in the <br />area of Lions Park. As directed by Council, staff will provide an update. <br />H.3 Update on Adelaide Landing Playground Improvements <br />At their February 3, 2020 meeting, the City Council approved a request for proposals for a <br />playground to be installed in the new park in Adelaide Landing. A notification was sent to <br />residents in the surrounding neighborhoods to invite them to help select the playground at the <br />Parks Commission meeting of April 15, 2020. In response to COVID-19 and social distancing, <br />the Parks Commission meeting was held remotely. Four playground designers presented their <br />proposals and several residents participated as well. In an effort to give more opportunity to <br />residents to share their input, the final decision on the playground was postponed until the May <br />20, 2020 Parks Commission meeting. The playground proposals are available to view on the <br /> Parks Planner Shayla Denaway will provide an <br />update. <br /> <br />K.1 Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein will update the Council on the activities of the <br />Yellow Ribbon Network to date. <br /> <br />M. Adjournment <br /> <br />