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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2020 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />An updated Lions Park feasibility study would revise the master plan, updated cost estimates and <br />detail phasing. Since the park property is relatively flat, the topographical survey could be <br />eliminated for now, reducing the cost of the feasibility study by $8,000. Bear explained the next <br />steps would be design planning, possibly using a stakeholder's review process, in July -October. <br />After that would be the formal process of drawing construction documents in November - <br />February, putting the project on schedule to build in 2021. Cost estimates would be provided <br />later and Council could decide then if, and when, they would like to proceed. <br />The Council asked questions that initiated a discussion on phasing and funding, trying to predict <br />the effect of the coronavirus. Bear explained that if Council approved a revised CIP with the <br />downtown street project in 2021, a neighborhood meeting would be held because the project <br />would include assessments. Effects of the virus could impact property values and may cause <br />some foreclosures. The Public Works facility was a significant project with several financing <br />steps that could impact next year's levy if revenue does not materialize. Bear explained it was <br />the Finance Director's recommendation to hold off with spending where spending can be <br />delayed. Staff was working to coordinate projects to reduce costs while keeping projects moving <br />forward. The Hugo Gardens Apartment project could impact the timelines. The Finance <br />Department was working on the bonding and funding for the Public Works project, and the <br />bonding and funding for Lions Park would be done next year. The Council generally agreed that <br />during the process, they would have an opportunity to reassess and revise plans as necessary. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to move forward with the feasibility study for Lions Park <br />Master Plan. <br />Roll call vote — all ayes. Motion carried <br />Update on Adelaide Landing Playground Improvements <br />At their February 3, 2020 meeting, the City Council approved a request for proposals for a <br />playground to be installed in the new park in Adelaide Landing. Parks Planner Shayla Denaway <br />reviewed the proposed playground amenities for the park that would include a large open space <br />with stormwater ponding and trails on the approximate 50 acre site. A notification was sent to <br />residents in the surrounding neighborhoods to invite them to help select the playground <br />equipment at the Parks Commission meeting of April 15, 2020. In response to COVID-19 and <br />social distancing, the Parks Commission meeting was held remotely. Four playground designers <br />presented their proposals and several residents participated as well. In an effort to give more <br />opportunity for residents to share their input, the final decision on the playground was postponed <br />until the May 20, 2020, Parks Commission meeting. The playground proposals are available to <br />view on the City's website as well as the meeting video. <br />Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein provided an update on the activities of the Yellow <br />Ribbon Network to date. Wild Wings hunt club members donated pheasants to military families. <br />Haas shared information on donations the YRN received, some of the money going to families <br />