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2020.05.04 CC Packet
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2020.05.04 CC Packet
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2020 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Approve 2020 Stormwater Management Grant Agreement with RCWD- CSAH8 Water <br />Reuse Project <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson provided information on the CSAH 8 Stormwater Reuse Project. <br />He presented a map showing the project location along CSAH 8, which extends from the western <br />City limit to TH61. Erichson explained that approximately 4 million gallons would be pumped <br />from the storm water pond, reducing the demand on the aquifer. Other benefits included <br />reduction in water infrastructure needs, cost savings for irrigation users, water quality <br />improvements and reduction in water volume to downstream water bodies (flood control). He <br />explained that staff was recently notified that the City was successful in replacing the $60,000 <br />Urban Stormwater Remediation Cost Share Program Grant from the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District with a $100,000 Stormwater Management Grant from the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District, bringing the total in secured grants for the County Road 8 Water Reuse agreement to <br />$150,000. The total project cost is estimated to be $545,000. He talked about potentially <br />expanding the project to include Lions Park, City Hall, Keystone Place, future Hugo Gardens <br />apartments and the 147th Street and Finale Avenue right -of ways not yet constructed. Pipes and <br />pumps could be oversized to accommodate this project expansion. The cost of this project <br />would be a fraction of the cost of the CSAH 8 and it is felt a larger project could provide more <br />grant opportunities. The 2020 Stormwater Management Grant Agreement indicates the project <br />will need to be completed by October 31, 2022, which allows for additional time to look for <br />additional funds. <br />Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the $100,000 2020 Stormwater Management <br />Grant Agreement with Rice Creek Watershed District for the County Road 8 Water Reuse <br />project. <br />Roll call vote — all ayes. Motion carried. <br />Council talked about the benefits of expanding the project. Erichson explained they have <br />evaluated upsizing the project at a preliminary increase in costs of approximately $200,000 One - <br />hundred thousand dollars could come from a RCWD grant and the rest through cost sharing with <br />potential development. Staff will continue to look for additional funding. <br />Update on 2021 Street Reconstruction Projects and Lions Park Improvements <br />At the April 6, 2020, meeting, staff discussed with Council several items related to projects in <br />the area of Lions Park. Council directed staff to update the City's CIP for Council review and <br />provide an update at this meeting. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear talked about the potential efficiency of expanding the water reuse <br />project, but there are coordination dilemmas with timelines. Staff will be providing an updated <br />CIP in mid -May that will include the new Public Works facility, which will be close to going out <br />for bids. Before that happens, the City will need to issue bonds. The downtown streets will be <br />moved to 2021 and other streets project rearranged. The Hugo Garden Apartments project was <br />proceeding, and staff was working with the development team to determine how costs will be <br />shared for street construction and possibly for stormwater management and reuse. <br />
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