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CITY OF HUGO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MN <br />MAYORAL DECLARATION NO. 2020-1 <br />WHEREAS, Tom Weidt, the Mayor of the City of Hugo (the "Mayor") finds that under <br />the authority provided by Chapter 12 and related laws of the State of Minnesota, the following <br />situation (the "Situation") exists: <br />PEACE TIME EMERGENCY DUE TO COVID 19 HEALTH PANDEMIC <br />WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, Governor Walz issued Executive Order 20-01 declaring <br />a peace time emergency and coordinating Minnesota's Strategy to Protect Minnesotans from <br />COVID-19; and, <br />WHEREAS, The Governor's Executive Order along with this Declaration triggers <br />activation of the City's emergency management plan and enables the City to exercise its <br />emergency powers; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Mayor fmds the situation presents a combination of circumstances that <br />are sudden and could not have been anticipated; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Mayor finds that conditions in the City of Hugo, Minnesota have worsened <br />considerably as a result of the evolving Situation; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Mayor finds that this Situation threatens the health, safety, and welfare <br />of the citizens of the community, and threatens the continuation and efficient delivery of city <br />services; and <br />WHEREAS, the Mayor finds that the Situation poses a risk or may cause extensive <br />personal injury, damage or disaster to the City if not immediately addressed; and <br />WHEREAS, the Mayor finds that traditional sources of relief are not able to repair or <br />prevent the injury or loss; and, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, as the Mayor of Hugo, Minnesota, I declare that a local emergency <br />exists effective 1:00 p.m. on March 18. 2020, in the City of Hugo, Minnesota, and directs as <br />follows. <br />1. This declaration of a local emergency will invoke the City's Emergency Operations Plans <br />and the Pandemic Response Plan. The portions that are necessary for response to and <br />recovery from the Emergency are authorized, including but not limited to all appropriate <br />community containment and mitigation strategies. To the extent normal state laws and <br />city policies and procedures impede an efficient response or compliance with federal and <br />state directives and recommendations, the City Administrator, Emergency Manager, and <br />their designees are authorized to suspend compliance with those laws, policies, and <br />procedures (as permitted by Minnesota Statutes Section 12.37) and to take those actions <br />necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. <br />