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2. Declares, under Minnesota Statues, Section 13D.021, that in person meetings of the City <br />Council, Planning Commission, and other advisory commissions of the City of Hugo are <br />not practical or prudent due to the COVID-19 health pandemic and the peacetime <br />emergency declared by Governor Walz pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 12, and <br />hereby directs that meetings of the City Council, Planning Commission, and other <br />advisory commissions of the City shall be conducted by telephone or other electronic <br />means, and hereby directs City Staff to take such action as may be necessary to enable <br />such meetings to occur via telephone or other electronic means pursuant to Minnesota <br />Statutes, Section 13D.021, until such time as it is no longer impractical or imprudent for <br />the City Council, Planning Commission, and other advisory commission to resume in - <br />person meetings. <br />3. Requests that the City Council convene an emergency session at its earliest convenience <br />to discuss the situation and this declaration. This emergency declaration shall continue for <br />a period of three (3) days from its effective date of March 18, 2020, unless further extended <br />by or with the consent of the City Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 12.29. <br />Tom Weidt, ayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Michele Lindau, City Clerk <br />