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<br />J.1 Update on Monument Sign <br /> <br />The Beautification Subcommittee has been working on a location and design of a new City of <br />Hugo entry monument sign. The committee has decided to focus on the north entry to the City. <br />There has also been discussion on how to modify the existing entry monument along CSAH 8 to <br />incorporate the new City logo, be more legible, and install additional landscaping. Staff will <br />present the preferred north entry monument sign location and design at the meeting. Staff <br />recommends that the City Council review the location and design and provide direction to staff <br />on how to proceed. <br /> <br />N.1 Yellow Ribbon Network 10th Anniversary on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 <br /> <br />The Council has schedule a meeting to attend the 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Yellow <br />Ribbon Network on Tuesday, June 25, 2019, at 6 p.m. in the Oneka Room. <br /> <br />N.2 White Bear Lake Schools Summer Connection on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 <br /> <br />White Bear Lake Area Schools is holding a meeting with school board and city councils to get an <br />overview of the WBL schools comprehensive facility plan and updates on what’s going on in the <br />communities. The Summer Connection will take place on Wednesday, July 31, 2019, at 6 p.m. <br />at the Vadnais Heights Commons. Staff recommends Council schedule as a meeting to attend. <br /> <br />N. Adjournment <br />