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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 1, 2020 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br />on the City fields with very specific rules in their rental agreements. The City will be installing <br />the portable restrooms on the sites. No room reservations are being taken for the City’s large <br />meeting rooms. <br /> <br />Bear talked about the death of George Floyd and the protests saying it had been quiet in Hugo, <br />but the City is prepared for civil unrest. The City would rely on and partner with the <br />Washington County Sheriff’s Office, who had been assisting other communities in the metro. <br />Most cities had implemented curfews. Bear had discussions with Washington County and a <br />curfew was not recommended in the City of Hugo as of yet. <br /> <br />Weidt stated he had been in contact with Sheriff Dan Starry and County Commissioner Fran <br />Miron. He said he had confidence in the Sheriff’s Department. The Mayor thanked residents <br />for being vigilant, and he encouraged them to report any strange activities <br /> <br />Petryk mentioned she received comments from residents saying they appreciated the compost <br />site being open, and she thanked staff and the County for providing an improved site. <br /> <br />Miron asked if Code Red was still a good emergency communication tool. Bear stated the City <br />was using Code Red, and he encouraged residents to sign up. In an emergency, the City would <br />also use the website and social media, so there would be multiple ways to get information out. <br /> <br />Consent Agenda <br /> <br />Petryk made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the following consent agenda: <br /> <br />1. Approve Claims Roster <br />1. Approve Annual Performance Review for Utility Billing Clerk Jodie Guareschi <br />2. Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Tom Smith <br />3. Approve Payment Voucher No. 2 for the Water’s Edge Stormwater Reuse Project - Phase 2 <br />4. Approve Resolution for Bond Reimbursement <br />5. Approve Donation to the Hugo Fire Department from the Hummel Family Charitable Fund <br />6. Award of 2020 Dust Control Contract <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Approve Claims Roster <br /> <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br /> <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Utility Billing Clerk Jodie Guareschi <br /> <br />Since June 17, 2002, Jodie worked as the City’s Utility Billing Clerk in the Finance Department. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for Utility Billing <br />Clerk Jodie Guareschi. <br /> <br />