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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 20, 2020 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br /> <br />Approve Board of Trustees Request for Increase in Lump-Sum Pension <br /> <br />The Board of Trustees for the Hugo Firefighter’s Relief Association had formally requested City <br />Council ratification of an increase of $100 per year of service in their lump-sum pension <br />benefit. The Finance Department had reviewed this request and found it to be financially <br />feasible and consistent with the Pension Fiscal Policy adopted in April, 2012. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the ratifying the Board of Trustees’ request for a $100 increase in <br />their lump-sum pension benefit and corresponding change to their by-laws. <br /> <br />Adopt Feasibility Study for Lions Park Improvement Project <br /> <br />At the City Council meeting of April 20, 2020, a feasibility study of Lions Park was <br />authorized. A master plan for Lions Park was approved on March 2, 2015. The feasibility study <br />revised the master plan for consistency with anticipated residential development and road <br />projects adjacent to the park. A joint Parks Commission and City Council workshop was held on <br />June 29, 2020 to review the updated master plan options and cost estimates. At their July 15, <br />2020 meeting, the Parks Commission recommended approval of the final master plan and <br />feasibility study for Lions Park. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the final master plan <br />and feasibility study for Lions Park. <br /> <br />Resolutions Approving Hugo Gardens Preliminary Plat and PUD Amendment <br /> <br />Garden Apartments, LLC, had requested approval for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) <br />amendment and preliminary plat for “Hugo Garden Apartments,” to allow construction of 84 <br />apartment units in seven buildings to be located on the west side of Finale Avenue, south of 147th <br />Street. Planner Kendra Lindahl from Landform explained the number of apartments was reduced <br />from the original PUD approved in 2014, which included the construction of 165 units in three <br />buildings on the site as part of the LaValle Fields plat. The revised plan included a mix of one, <br />two, and three bedroom units for rent. The property was part of LaValle Fields PUD, and Outlot <br />B would be platted as a single lot to accommodate the new apartments. Outlot D will be used for <br />ponding. <br /> <br />Apartments are required to comply with the City’s multi-family design guidelines, and Lindahl <br />reviewed the proposed elevations saying staff felt they were well designed and did a nice job of <br />meeting these guidelines. The development was also subject to the Downtown Plan & Design <br />Guidelines that are intended to create pedestrian friendly neighborhoods. They worked to <br />orientate the buildings to Finale Avenue. To accomplish that, the developer was requesting a <br />reduction in the front yard setback from 30 feet to 10 feet. Lindahl talked about the landscape <br />plan and the grading and drainage plan saying they would be working with the developer on a <br />cost share agreement for storm water reuse. An access easement would need to be acquired from <br />the senior housing development to the south in order to comply with fire department and <br />emergency vehicle needs. The developer would be responsible to improve Finale Avenue as a <br />32 foot wide street to allow for on-street parking and construction of an 8-foot trail on the east <br />side of the street. Staff was still working with the developer to finalize the plans. Park <br />dedication would be in cash in the amount of $87,414.72. There was green space in the project <br />but no private amenities. Lions Park could provide the recreational needs. She stated the plat <br />complied with ordinance requirements, and if the preliminary plat was approved, the next steps <br />would be approval of the final plat, development agreement and an easement vacation. <br /> <br />