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2020.09.15 CC Minutes - Midyear Budget Review
City Council
City Council Minutes
2020 CC Minutes
2020.09.15 CC Minutes - Midyear Budget Review
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9/22/2020 1:53:40 PM
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9/22/2020 1:52:10 PM
City Council
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Work Session
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<br /> <br /> <br />Meeting was held remotely pursuant to MN Statute Sec. 13D.021. <br />Meeting ID # 878 4970 2373 <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. <br /> <br />PRESENT REMOTELY: Haas, Klein, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br />ABSENT: None <br />STAFF PRESENT REMOTELY FROM CITY HALL: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Finance <br />Director Ron Otkin, Community Development Director Rachel Juba <br />PRESENT REMOTELY: Finance Coordinator Anna Wobse <br /> <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin began by talking about the recently approved CARES budget, which <br />was made up of soft and hard costs. Soft costs consist of public safety personnel and time spent <br />by staff related to the pandemic. It was his opinion the U.S. Treasury would be looking for some <br />of this money back since they keep tightening the requirements. He recommended leaving the soft <br />costs in a separate fund until our CARES funds have been audited. If the City needs to return <br />some of the money it would have no impact on our operating budgets. <br /> <br />He reviewed contingency budgeting which has been used by the City over the last 30 years. <br />Revenues are conservatively estimated while funds are set aside for expenses that may or may not <br />occur. He explained this technique ensures the City will either have a balanced budget or a <br />surplus, and it is looked on favorably by Standard and Poors. He estimated a general fund surplus <br />of $285,048 this year which could be transferred to the equipment fund. This would be in <br />addition to the $200,000 budgeted for tax rate stabilization. <br /> <br />For pay 2021, the City’s taxable market value increased by 5.5 percent, with 1.8% coming from <br />new construction. This equated to a 6.8 percent increase in tax capacity. To keep a flat tax rate, <br />the proposed levy for 2021 was $8.9 million dollars and he provided information on the eight <br />components that made up the proposed levy. He began by talking about the City’s bonded debt <br />stating that on February 1, 2020 the City made the final payment on all but one bond issue. As of <br />September 1st the City’s bonded debt amounted to $445,000; however, the City will soon be <br />bonding for $8 million for capital improvements, resulting in total bonded debt of $549 per capita, <br />lower than the state-wide average of $1,659. The City is required to levy for bond payments, and <br />Otkin estimated a debt service levy of $493,123, which is subject to change after the CIP bonds <br />are sold. <br /> <br />He provided a list of non-general fund tax levies totaling $2.3 million, which contained the Lions <br />Park Improvement Levy of $557,581. He reviewed the largest portion of the proposed tax levy, <br />the general fund operations. The proposed budget contains funds for a City Planner position. He <br />reviewed salary market data showing Hugo’s paygrade minimums were 5% less than the average <br />of the 14 metro cities of the same size that reported this year, and 2% less than the average <br />maximums. Otkin reviewed health insurance renewal premiums and that HealthPartners was <br />unilaterally increasing our plan deductibles. <br /> <br />Minutes <br /> <br />HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />MIDYEAR BUDGET WORKSHOP <br />REMOTE MEETING <br /> <br />TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 – 4 P.M.
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