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well as Oakshore Park. Staff recommends Council approve the purchase of a Kubota L6060 <br />Tractor with turf tires and various attachments from Olson Power and Equipment in the amount of <br />$100,154.34. <br /> <br />G.8 Approve Replacement of 2008 John Deer Zero Turn Mower <br /> <br />Public Works Department has been exploring options to replace its current John Deer Zero Turn <br />mower. This mower is used to mow parks in the summer and also used to blow and broom snow in <br />the winter months. Staff recommends Council approve the purchase of a Ferrris ZT 37/61 Zero <br />Turn Mower from Olson Power and Equipment in the amount of $15,400. <br /> <br />H.1 Approve Resolution Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $8,000,000 General <br />Obligation Capital Improvement Plan Bonds <br /> <br />Bids for the sale of these bonds will be accepted until 11:00 a.m. on Monday, October 5th. Paul <br />Steinman with Baker Tilly will present the bid tabulation to the City Council along with a <br />recommendation for awarding the sale. The resolution will be prepared based on the bids and will <br />be presented to the City Council at the meeting. <br /> <br />I.1 Goodview Avenue Improvement Project Assessment Hearing <br /> <br />At its September 8, 2020 meeting, the Council adopted the resolution declaring costs to be <br />assessed for the Goodview Avenue Improvement Project, and scheduled the hearing on the <br />proposed assessments for this evening. The Notice of Assessment Hearing has been published in <br />the official newspaper and mailed to the owners of each parcel described in the assessment roll at <br />least two weeks prior to the hearing. Engineer Mark Erichson will present a summary of the <br />project, the assessment process, and related costs of the project. Staff recommends the Mayor <br />open the public hearing to take all comments and approve the resolution adopting assessments for <br />the Goodview Avenue Improvement Project. <br /> <br />J.1 Lions Park Design Development Consultant Contracts <br />  <br />The City Council adopted a Master Plan and Feasibility Study for Lions Park at their July 20, 2020 <br />meeting. Consultant proposals were received for the design development of Lions Park. The <br />proposals do not include preparation of construction documents. The consultants will work with <br />multiple stakeholder groups to develop the design of the pavilion, playground, and remaining park <br />site to 50% with estimates of probable costs. This work is anticipated to take place this fall, with <br />final designs being brought to the Council in January or February 2021. Approval is <br />recommended of two contracts with WSB and a proposal from HCM Architects to develop the <br />design of Lions Park. <br /> <br />K.1 Approve Resolution Reducing the Speed Limit on Goodview Avenue North <br /> <br />In May 2019, Minnesota State Legislature passed a bill granting cities the authority to set speed <br />limits under their jurisdiction. This statute went into effect August 1, 2019. The purpose of this <br />memo is to provide the City Council with background information on the speed limit rules and to