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2020.10.05 CC Packet
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2020.10.05 CC Packet
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10/21/2020 9:27:47 AM
Creation date
10/21/2020 9:26:25 AM
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G.4 Approve Renewal of Mining Permit for Mike Atkinson <br /> <br />The Mining Permit for Mike Atkinson on his property located on the south side of 147th Street <br />between Irish and Hyde Avenue expired on August 2, 2020. Atkinson has applied for a renewal <br />the permit for another two years. For the past several years, the site has been used to stockpile <br />material, with no mining activity taking place. When the permit was renewed in 2012, the Council <br />allowed the Atkinsons to move forward with the Mining Permit renewal process without all the <br />conditions being met until the time mining operations began again, due to the cost of meeting those <br />conditions. The requirements not being met are to biannually provide a topographic map of the <br />site, calculation of stockpiled material, amount of granular material left on site to be mined, and a <br />reclamation plan. Staff has found very minimal activity on the site to require those conditions be <br />met for the renewal of his permit. Staff recommends Council approve the Mining Permit for Mike <br />Atkinson for property located on 147th Street North with the condition that all requirements in the <br />permit be met when mining activity begins again. <br /> <br />G.5 Approve Resolutions Approving the Site Plan, CUP Amendment, and Variance for <br />Grundhofer’s Old Fashion Meats Located at 15449 Forest Boulevard North <br />Spencer Grundhofer has applied for a site plan, CUP amendment, and variance for Grundhofer’s <br />Old Fashion Meats located at 15449 Forest Boulevard North. The requests are to allow a 2,450 <br />square foot addition to the existing 2,880 square foot building on site. The existing buildings on <br />site are legal nonconforming in regard to the side yard building setback and the applicant is <br />requesting a 12 foot side yard setback, where 30 feet is required for the proposed addition. The <br />applicant is also requesting the existing meat market and meat processing facility CUP be amended <br />to reflect the new site plan. The Planning Commission reviewed the request and held a public <br />hearing at their September 24, 2020 meeting. No one spoke at the public hearing. The Planning <br />Commission recommended approval of the site plan, CUP amendment, and variance for <br />Grundhofer’s Old Fashioned Meats located at 15449 Forest Boulevard North. <br />G.6 Approve Resolution to Continue Participating in the Met Council Livable Communities <br />Act <br /> <br />The City of Hugo has previously elected to be a participant in the Metropolitan Livable <br />Communities Act (LCA) Program. Participation on the program provides the City with an <br />opportunity to compete for grants and loans to support activities that help the City meet its <br />affordable and life cycle housing goals, clean up polluted sites, and support demonstration projects <br />linking jobs, housing, and transit. The City received demonstration grants in 2004 and 2007 for <br />Hugo Downtown redevelopment project planning. The Metropolitan Council would like the City <br />to formally adopt LCA goals for the next 10 years through 2030, which are consistent with the <br />City’s Comprehensive Plan. The City must do this to remain eligible to apply for the Metropolitan <br />Council’s LCA grants. Staff recommends the City Council approve the resolution adopting the <br />affordable and life cycle housing goals for 2021 – 2030. <br /> <br />G.7 Approve Replacement of 2009 Toro Groundsmaster Area Mower <br /> <br />Public Works Department has been exploring options to replace its current area wide mower. This <br />mower is used to mow the grass in our large parks like Hanifl Fields, Beaver Ponds, Lions Park, as
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