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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 5, 2020 <br />Page 4 of 9 <br /> <br />GRUNDHOFER’S OLD FASHIONED MEATS LOCATED AT 15449 FOREST <br />BOULEVARD NORTH, and RESOLUTION 2020-54 APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE <br />PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR GRUNDHOFER’S OLD FASHIONED MEATS TO <br />CONTINUE TO ALLOW THE MEAT PROCESSING FACILITY ON THE PROPERTY <br />LOCATED AT 15449 FOREST BOULEVARD NORTH, and RESOLUTION 2020-55 <br />APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FOR AN <br />ADDITION TO AN EXISTING BUILDING FOR GRUNDHOFER’S OLD FASHIONED <br />MEATS LOCATED AT 15449 FOREST BOULEVAD NORTH. <br />Approve Resolution to Continue Participating in the Met Council Livable Communities <br />Act <br />  <br />The City of Hugo had previously elected to be a participant in the Metropolitan Livable <br />Communities Act (LCA) Program. Participation on the program would provide the City with an <br />opportunity to compete for grants and loans to support activities that help the City meet its <br />affordable and life cycle housing goals, clean up polluted sites, and support demonstration <br />projects linking jobs, housing, and transit. The City received demonstration grants in 2004 and <br />2007 for Hugo Downtown redevelopment project planning. The Metropolitan Council requested <br />the City formal adopt the LCA goals for the next 10 years through 2030, which were consistent <br />with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The City needed to do this to remain eligible to apply for <br />the Metropolitan Council’s LCA grants. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approve <br />RESOLUTION 2020-56 ELECTING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE LOCAL HOUSING <br />INCENTIVES ACCOUNT PROGRAM UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LIVABLE <br />COMMUNITIES ACT FOR CALENDAR YEARS 2021 THROUGH 2030. <br /> <br />Approve Replacement of 2009 Toro Groundsmaster Area Mower <br /> <br />The Public Works Department had been exploring options to replace its current area wide <br />mower. This mower was used to mow the grass in the large parks like Hanifl Fields, Beaver <br />Ponds, Lions Park, as well as Oakshore Park. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />purchase of a Kubota L6060 Tractor with turf tires and various attachments from Olson Power <br />and Equipment in the amount of $100,154.34. <br /> <br />Approve Replacement of 2008 John Deer Zero Turn Mower <br /> <br />The Public Works Department had been exploring options to replace its current John Deer Zero <br />Turn mower. This mower was used to mow parks in the summer and also used to blow and <br />broom snow in the winter months. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of a <br />Ferrris ZT 37/61 Zero Turn Mower from Olson Power and Equipment in the amount of $15,400. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $8,000,000 General <br />Obligation Capital Improvement Plan Bonds <br /> <br />Paul Steinman with Baker Tilly presented information on the issuance and sale of $8,000,000 in <br />General Obligation Capital Improvement Plan Bonds. Bids for the sale of these bonds was <br />accepted until11:00 a.m. on this day, Monday, October 5th. There were six bidders and true <br />interest costs ranged from 1.62% to 1.79%. The best bid was from Robert W. Baird and <br />Company, Inc. with about 30 syndicated underwriters underneath them. These were 25 year <br />bonds. A premium was receive for about $483,000 that would show up as an additional source of