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2021.04.19 CC Packet
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2021.04.19 CC Packet
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4/19/2021 10:18:02 AM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 5, 2021 <br />Page 8 of 12 <br /> <br />the dirt work. He commented that the best qualities of urban and rural came together in Hugo, <br />and the design of the building embraced the idea of nature. <br /> <br />Tyler Ertl went over the floor plan showing how student traffic would flow through the building. <br />He talked about the different spaces, with the Learning Commons being at the heart of the <br />building. He showed images of the outside of building and talked about the patterns and colors, <br />He showed renderings of the inside of the building with natural shapes and colors, explaining <br />there would be a lot of natural light. <br /> <br />Dan Schmidt talked about the six Learning Studio areas explaining the different learning <br />environments in each. He showed where there was a cubical in each Learning Studio that the <br />teachers would use as office space and work collaboratively. There was an area for special <br />education and intervention programing and mud room and lockers that would lead into a flex <br />space area. The studios would be unique because they would be multi-grade studios to honor <br />personalized learning experiences. He talked about how they would be collaborating with Oneka <br />elementary to enhance the programing at both schools. <br /> <br />Tim Wald talked about the next steps in the process explaining they were currently moving <br />equipment to the site. Naming of the school would begin in August, and they hoped to have a <br />name to recommend to the school board in November. He talked about the school having solar <br />on all parts of the roof. <br /> <br />Klein asked how the new school would compared to Oneka Elementary in size and capacity, and <br />Klein asked about technology at the school. Wald replied they were about the same size and <br />similar in technology. He said they would be putting in the best technology available, and they <br />had been keeping Oneka Elementary’s technology updated. <br /> <br />The Mayor and Council voiced their appreciation for the City’s partnership with the school <br />district and their enthusiasm for the opening of the new school. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2021-25 APPROVING A <br />PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR WHITE BEAR LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND <br />XCEL ENERGY FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF 152 ND STREET NORTH <br />AND WEST OF FOREST BLVD NORTH (HIGHWAY 61). <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Miron seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2021-26 APPROVING A <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR WHITE BEAR LAKE SCHOOL DISTIRCT TO ALLOW <br />A SCHOOL IN THE SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL (R-3) ZONING <br />DISTICT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF 152 ND STREET NORTH AND <br />WEST OF FOREST BLVD NORTH (HIGHWAY 61). <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> <br />
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