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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 5, 2021 <br />Page 7 of 12 <br /> <br />line adjustment, and development agreement for their new elementary school located west of <br />TH61 and across from 152nd Street. The property is approximately 137 acres but only 35 acres <br />of the property in the northeast quarter was buildable. The house on the property was <br />demolished and the barn would be torn down when construction is finalized. The school would <br />be 100,000 square feet with a gymnasium connected. There would also be ball fields, a <br />playground, and hiking trails that would connect to the Hardwood Creek Trail. The property line <br />adjustment was for property owned by Xcel Energy to acquire the property, and then then an <br />easement would be granted to Xcel. The Conditional Use Permit was to allow the school in the <br />R3 Zoning District, and the site plan and development agreement approvals were for public <br />improvements. At its March 25, 2021, meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing <br />and considered the requests. There was one resident that spoke during the public hearing and <br />asked about buffering her property from the trail that would extend to 157th Way North. The <br />school district stated they would be in contact with that resident to discuss options. The Planning <br />Commission liked the site plan layout and the architecture of the building. They all agreed it was <br />a good addition to the community and they looked forward to the school opening. The Planning <br />Commission had unanimously recommended approval of the resolutions approving the site plan, <br />CUP, and property line adjustment for the White Bear Lake School District. <br /> <br />Juba went over the details of the site plan showing the primary access off 152 nd Street and the <br />location of the busing area. The playground would be located on the southwest portion, and the <br />recreational fields north of that with a trail connecting to the neighborhood. The applicant was <br />working with MNDot to improve the intersection at 152nd Street. She reviewed the landscape <br />plans with the Council saying it exceeded the requirements in the landscape ordinance. She <br />talked about the architecture being of high quality material with brick, precast concrete, and a <br />significant amount of glass. <br /> <br />Klein and Haas asked about water reuse on the site and if the water from the CSAH 8 project <br />could accommodate it or water from the drainage ditch. Juba replied there would be ponds next <br />to the building, but water would not stay in the ponds long enough for stormwater reuse. City <br />Engineer Mark Erichson stated there would not be adequate capacity to extend the CSAH 8 <br />stormwater reuse project, and the drainage ditch could be evaluated, but it fed into the CSAH 8 <br />basin as well. <br /> <br />White Bear Lake School Superintendent Dr. Wayne Kazmierczak talked about the strategic <br />planning process and how the product of that was to build a new elementary school in Hugo. He <br />thanked Hugo for their partnership. He introduced the team present with him that evening: Dan <br />Schmidt, currently Principal at Lincoln Elementary and new principal at the new elementary <br />school; Tim Wald, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations; Paul Aplikowski and <br />Tyler Ertl from Wold Architects; and Dan Rose, Director of Building Operations. <br /> <br />Paul Aplikowski gave a brief presentation on the design of the building. He explained a group of <br />approximately 70 stakeholders called the “Future of Learning“ developed basic principles and <br />handed them off to the core planning groups who worked on designing the layout of the building. <br />User groups then designed the individual rooms. The school would be for Kindergarten – 5 th <br />grade. The total project cost was approximately $43 million and included the building and on <br />and off site improvements. He explained, with Council approval, they would be ready to begin